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#Приколы для даунов wikipedia 

Wikipedia editors:,Приколы для даунов,разное,wikipedia,интернет

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Приколы для даунов,разное,wikipedia,интернет
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sometimes when I'm bored, I go through the list of recent bad faith Wikipedia edits that have since been reverted, a lot of them are politically contentious/ offensive topics that attract crazies and trolls in general, but sometimes there are completely innocent inoffensive a

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smol-blue-bird Follow sometimes when I'm bored, I go through the list of recent bad faith Wikipedia edits that have since been reverted, a lot of them are politically contentious/ offensive topics that attract crazies and trolls in general, but sometimes there are completely innocent inoffensive a
Rational numbers [edit]
Main article: Rational number
Natural numbers [edit]
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(Note that the status of 0 is ambiguous. In set theory and computer science, 0 is considered a natural number. In number theory, it usually is not.)
This list is incomplete; you can help b

Клуб аутистов разное википедия интернет перепись идиотов

Rational numbers [edit] Main article: Rational number Natural numbers [edit] Main article: Natural number (Note that the status of 0 is ambiguous. In set theory and computer science, 0 is considered a natural number. In number theory, it usually is not.) This list is incomplete; you can help b
MILF (disambiguation)
«A	☆
MILF is an acronym for "Mother/Mom/Mum I'd Like to Fuck".
MILF may also refer to:
• Moro Islamic Liberation Front, a militant Islamist group located in the southern Philippines

приколы для даунов со знанием английского,#Приколы для даунов со знанием английского википедия интернет MILF

MILF (disambiguation) «A ☆ MILF is an acronym for "Mother/Mom/Mum I'd Like to Fuck". MILF may also refer to: • Moro Islamic Liberation Front, a militant Islamist group located in the southern Philippines