Для Cyberpunk 2077 на PC вышел официальный инструментарий для создания модификаций
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Modeling Support Tools Below you will find official tools and resources that will help you modify and create your own experiences in the world of Cyberpunk 2077. Tools will be continuously updated alongside with game patches to ensure compatibility. Before downloading and diving in, please make sure you have read the Licence Agreement Metadata Per game release, required by some of the tools 22kB Version: 1.1.0 Released: 2021/01/26 H DOWNLOAD | ArchiveDump A utility for listing contents of game data archives 29MB Version: 1.0.4 Released: 2021/01/26 H DOWNLOAD 1 TweakDump A utility for listing contents of game Tweak DB (game settings) binaries 64kB Version: 1.1.9 Released: 2021/01/26 H DOWNLOAD | TweakDB IDs A list of IDs of Tweak DB entries. Generated using TweakDump and tweakdb.str metadata
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