I was tasked with researching a magical book known as the Tome of Imps' which, luckily, was recently found by a good friend of mine. She agreed to help me report about the magical properties of the item. ^53 3^ 1 ip ■ J if/ i/lj n i 33
°* AKM'T you A* COTiE !• The book's glowing pages are filled with unreadable, moving symbols, which function like portals into some kind of pocket dimension. The Tome also seems capable of summoning imps from it’s enchanted pages... (Which is unsurprising, given the name) I do wonder, however... HIJfffhe How these imps found themselves in the book in the first place?
Although somewhat distracting,the imps proved to be invaluable companions, each possessing different talents from powerful destructive magics to cunning stealth abilities.
| Here's Wk where my sources begin to get a little more vague My friend mentioned some 'minor side effects' I suggested that the book may have been cursed, but she assured me it was "Nothing to worry about."
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