MAP OF THE PROF ORLANDO FERGUSON, HOT SPRINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA the Bible that Condemn the Globe Theory» or the Flying Earth, and None Sustain It This Map is the Bible Map of the World. Hundred Passages Copyright by Orlando Ferguson, 1893. These men are flying on the globe at the rate of 65,000 miles per hour around the sun, and 1,042 miles per hour around the center of the earth (in their minds). Think of that speed l MOT 5nilN06. C DAKOTA STKXIC.O SCRIPTURE THAT CONDEMNS THE GLOBE THEORY. -r wcrc steady until the going down of the sun.—Ex. 17: ja And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed.—Joshua 10: 12-13. The world also shall be stable that it be not moved.—Chron. 16: 30 To Aim that sketched out the earth, and made great lights (not worlds).—Ps. 136: 6-7. The sun shall be darkened in his going forth.—Isaiah 12: to. The four corners of the earth.—Isaiah u: 12. The whole earth » " rcst^-Isaiah 14: 7. The prophecy concerning the globe theory.—Isatah: 29th chapter. Woe to the rebellious children, saycth the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me.—Isaiah 30: 1. So the sun returned ten dc^c^—Isaiah 38. 8-9. It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth.—Isaiah 40: 22. He that spread forth the earth.—Isaiah 52: 5. That spreadech abroad the earth by myself.—Isaiah 54. 24. My hand also tu y c icundation of the earth- Isaiah 58 13. Thus saycth die Lord, winch givcth the sun for a light by day, and the moon and stars for a light by night (not worlds).—Jcr. 31: 35-36. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and die moon into blood—Acts 2; 20. 6 7 * Send 25 Cents to the Author, Prof Orlando Ferguson, for a book explaining this Square and Stationary Earth. It Knocks the Globe Theory Clean Out. It will Teach You How to Foreteli Eclipses. It is Worth Its Weight in Gold.
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