So guess what was the only thing in my wardrobe not covered in fur. ...Here's a hint: it rhymes wi / Fantasy ero :: ZedEdge :: art барышня :: Fantasy (Fantasy art) :: artist :: art (арт)

Fantasy ero Fantasy art art барышня ZedEdge artist 

So guess what was the only thing in my wardrobe not covered in fur.
...Here's a hint: it rhymes with cat,Fantasy ero,Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,art барышня,ZedEdge,artist

So guess what was the only thing in my wardrobe not covered in fur. ...Here's a hint: it rhymes with cat
Fantasy ero,Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,art барышня,ZedEdge,artist
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..and something to drink, please.
			i jJB Bp ii K1,1,1 1 *
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1' ": i		11	
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Fantasy ero Fantasy,Fantasy art art,арт artist ZedEdge Кликабельно

..and something to drink, please. i jJB Bp ii K1,1,1 1 * ■ 1 1' ": i 11 J li_ 1 1» m 1 1 i // i1 I i i i 11
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Тъ 	оо v1\	X. f / 0 \ vH / V
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Good thing you didn't freak out or anything.