The dark truth of the Ugly Bastard industry. (When the kid pops out, it will be like the opposite of when couples who had plastic surgery get their real genes exposed by their offspring.) Also ugly bastard characters aren't that common, they're just memorable.
Т1лоЧ Utopi £fJl Thccj Илч/с- l'JO Re5pect for Иек/ТАХ'5 Ästhet; о ХплЛ^юпз Ult ПЧ# All si'rWtfo uphold Н
íltto lewd photos you'll /SWye... KaWd -f-_|Лл1,л J ^Х5[)0уЦ ^ Po
BB's drawings,bb (baalbuddy), theartistknownasbb,artist,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,art барышня,art,арт
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