Sap Vitality / game art :: Alexander Mokhov :: Magic the Gathering :: Alexander Mokhov :: Игровой арт (game art) :: Magic the Gathering :: artist :: artist :: games :: Игры

Magic the Gathering Игры Игровой арт Alexander Mokhov artist 

Sap Vitality

Magic the Gathering,Игры,Игровой арт,game art,Alexander Mokhov,artist,Magic the Gathering,games,game art,Alexander Mokhov,artist


Magic the Gathering,Игры,Игровой арт,game art,Alexander Mokhov,artist,Magic the Gathering,games,game art,Alexander Mokhov,artist
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Sap Vitalii
Sap Vitality deals 3 damage to target creature or planeswalker. Choose a creature card in your hand. It perpetually gets ♦ЗЛО.
r~* • *:-«	
^Alexander Mokhov
dartti dartti 22.02.202214:06 ответить ссылка 4.3
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