■i 't. fs \ \f 1 ШшяГ /л у) ) V Ж 1 я \ / V 1 î* ■L у I \А s Zz X /Г\ 3 V CD / Lucifer (Helltaker) :: Lucifer (Helltaker) (ルシファー, 루시퍼) :: Zdrada (Helltaker) :: Zdrada (Helltaker) (ズドラーダ, 즈드라다, Здрада, Демон Сучка) :: Helltaker :: Helltaker :: obobo :: obobo :: games :: Игры

obobo Zdrada (Helltaker) Helltaker Игры Lucifer (Helltaker) 

		■i 't.	
		fs \	
\f 1	ШшяГ	/л у) ) V Ж 1 я \ / V 1	î* ■L
	у I \А	s	
	Zz X	/Г\	3
		V CD,obobo,Zdrada (Helltaker),ズドラーダ, 즈드라다, Здрада, Демон Сучка,Helltaker,Игры,Lucifer (Helltaker),ルシファー, 루시퍼,obobo,Zdrada (Helltaker),Helltaker,games,Lucifer (Helltaker)

 ■i 't. fs \ \f 1 ШшяГ /л у) ) V Ж 1 я \ / V 1 î* ■L у I \А s Zz X /Г\ 3 V CD
obobo,Zdrada (Helltaker),ズドラーダ, 즈드라다, Здрада, Демон Сучка,Helltaker,Игры,Lucifer (Helltaker),ルシファー, 루시퍼,obobo,Zdrada (Helltaker),Helltaker,games,Lucifer (Helltaker)
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< J	Vm
i Now THAT’S club
Well synced and timed video
muh (unrealistic) diveristy
too clustered and
(2 minutes and 34 seconds of it)
little music
Prothestic Tracer ¿/Beyond historically
fast cut, generic trailer	inaccurate uniforms	immediately reconginzed as WW1
Felt neccessary to turn into gameplay

Battlefield Игры BATTLEFIELD V,BATTLEFIELD 5 Virgin vs. Chad Battlefield 1

Now THAT’S club Well synced and timed video muh (unrealistic) diveristy too clustered and (2 minutes and 34 seconds of it) little music Prothestic Tracer ¿/Beyond historically fast cut, generic trailer inaccurate uniforms immediately reconginzed as WW1 Felt neccessary to turn into gameplay