Hooked on You | Announcement Trailer,Gaming,dead by daylight,dbd,behaviour interactive,bhvr,slasher / Dead by daylight :: трейлер :: the huntress (dead by daylight) :: The Wraith (dead by daylight) :: the spirit (dead by daylight) :: The Trapper (dead by daylight) :: Игры

Dead by daylight Игры The Trapper (dead by daylight) the spirit (dead by daylight) The Wraith (dead by daylight) the huntress (dead by daylight) трейлер 

Hooked on You | Announcement Trailer,Gaming,dead by daylight,dbd,behaviour interactive,bhvr,slasher game,survival horror,Death’s a beach. Hooked on You: A Dead by Daylight Dating Sim is coming to Steam this summer! Ever wanted to have a drink with The Wraith? What about take The Huntress out on a date, have a heart-to-heart with The Spirit, or find out what really makes The Trapper tick? Now’s your chance! Welcome to Murderer’s Island. Your companions: four dead-sexy Killers who, underneath their murderous exteriors, just want a little romance. Flirt your way into their hearts, uncovering dark twists along the way. Will you find true love, forge friendships… or get hacked to death? Only you can decide.    Be the first to know! Visit https://hoydbd.com/3FY8y4c and sign up for our newsletter. Like and follow us on Dead by Daylight’s official social media channels:  - Facebook:  https://hoydbd.com/Facebook - Twitter: https://hoydbd.com/Twitter - Instagram:  https://hoydbd.com/IG #DbD #HookedOnYou
Dead by daylight,Игры,The Trapper (dead by daylight),the spirit (dead by daylight),The Wraith (dead by daylight),the huntress (dead by daylight),трейлер
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