Никакова давления / It is Wednesday My Dudes (it's wednesday my dudes, its wednesday my dudes, It is Wednesday My Dudes, it's wednesday my dudes) :: видео (video)

It is Wednesday My Dudes видео 

Никакова давления

here come the boy,Film & Animation,frog,animation,froggert,shar,inspired by that rly cute tiktok with the wiggly cat and the talented music people !!! https://youtu.be/-xEpxWPAYXU axl made the backing track and i sang over it ! :) --- links if you would like to support me! :) twitter: https://twitter.com/_yapsharlene ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/shar ig: https://instagram.com/_yapsharlene
It is Wednesday My Dudes,it's wednesday my dudes, its wednesday my dudes, It is Wednesday My Dudes, it's wednesday my dudes,видео,video
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¿ж ' Vi	\ \ / A# 1 \y шиш V wStL i /		1 Я i il ^yjl
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it's wednesday my dudes It is Wednesday My Dudes

' Vi \ \ / A# 1 \y шиш V wStL i / 1 Я i il ^yjl — -+ ^ I ■ / i ' /Л
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