To celebrate this occasion, we're opening up with some snippets of lore. / Nazralath :: Игры

Nazralath Игры 
To celebrate this occasion, we're opening up with some snippets of lore. During your journeys throughout the planes, you'll inevitably meet all kinds of beings and races, hailing from many different corners of the Dir'phaltur Empire and beyond. However, we'd love to give a sneak peek for some of the ones you ought to look out for.
The Dir'phal, known to the other races as the demons, are the rulers of the Dir'phaltur Empire, the inter-planar crusader-empire that spans through uncounted worlds. Though regarded as a single race by many, in reality the demons themselves are diverse, the term 'demon' representing not a single
The Dir'phal, known to the other races as the demons, are the rulers of the Dir'phaltur Empire, the inter-planar crusader-empire that spans through uncounted worlds. Though regarded as a single race by many, in reality the demons themselves are diverse, the term 'demon' representing not a single race, but an entire twisted ecosystem. Ruled by the myriad of Great Houses on their home plane of Disarethos, they are the only beings known to inherently possess the gift of sorcery. A mystical warrior-race whose history extends back to a time unfathomable in human years, the once proud Asveir are now a shattered empire of familial sects and warring tribes. The few remaining Asveir have become a fractious people, divided between those who wish to reclaim their home and those who see no point in returning without their lost gods. Despite their apparent grace and elegance, the Asveir are warlike, ruthless and shamanistic. HUMAN HALEC The race native to Merdath, as well as the most numerous, humanity comes in many shapes and sizes, and the extent of their physical taint brought on during the Black Era varies from region to region. Once united and strong, humanity now is but a shell of its former self, and many of the currently existing human factions think little of slaying their own kin for a sack of erboros coins. The strange, silent Halec are an influential race, known for their limited ability of displaying emotion. Their even, strange voices may be unnerving to listen to, yet they are completely incapable of violence. Of all the races subjugated by the Dir'phaltur Empire, the Halec are one of the oldest, and perhaps the most mysterious, of the civilized races. The male Halec are unable to speak. The female Halec are unable to see.
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