The Mimeoplasm / game art :: Magic the Gathering :: Игровой арт (game art) :: Magic the Gathering :: games :: Игры

Magic the Gathering Игры Игровой арт 

The Mimeoplasm

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г	ш/лул		Ä MÍ,Magic the Gathering,Игры,Игровой арт,game art,Magic the Gathering,games,game art
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Magic the Gathering,Игры,Игровой арт,game art,Magic the Gathering,games,game art
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The Mimeoplasm
Legendary Creature — Ooze
As The Mimeoplasm enters the battlefield, you may exile two creature cards from graveyards. If you do, it enters the battlefield as a copy of one of those cards with a number of additional +1/+1 counters on it equal to the power of the other card.
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УЖ 9 -j X Im^i ] y У ü д л V f| 1 f V\ **■ ^J* F Ë л ^	Wm ÏÏ * «щ

Magic the Gathering Игры Игровой арт,game art Magic the Gathering games game art

 '—’ Я H *Г _ Ж Щ W W £ i 1 r \ J i * A \t F 0 И УЖ 9 -j X Im^i ] y У ü д л V f| 1 f V\ **■ ^J* F Ë л ^ Wm ÏÏ * «щ