seven russian swear words f I Blyad — literally, 'whore.' This word is usu-oily encounterod in / картинки :: интересное (интересные факты, картинки и истории )

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seven russian swear words
Blyad — literally,
'whore.' This word is usu-oily encounterod in its conducted form 'blyo,' o particle used moinly for emphasis, odding o touch of lurid color at the end of absolutely any phrase. *Ty chyo, blyo?" (What tho fuck are you'-'. doing/saying?) could be
seven russian swear words f I Blyad — literally, 'whore.' This word is usu-oily encounterod in its conducted form 'blyo,' o particle used moinly for emphasis, odding o touch of lurid color at the end of absolutely any phrase. *Ty chyo, blyo?" (What tho fuck are you'-'. doing/saying?) could be on act of friendly raillery or the verbal prelude to a heodbutt. The B-word is also a common cri-de-coeur: you stub your too — *Bfya!' Some people ore so addicted that they uso the word to season even the most bonol utteranco. Eg. 'A on, blyo, mne skozol, blyo, chlo yo, blya../ This is the meat in tho dumpling of Russian mat — it's impossible to imogine o conversation with a taxi drivor without it. 2Khui — literolly, 'cock.' The first thing offer 'hello* thot people learn how to say in o foreign Ion-guoge is 'fuck off,” and some manogo to get by thereafter on these two phrases alone. *1di no khuil' is tho Russian equivalent, literally meaning 'Go to the penis!' Yes, I know it sounds silly in translotion. But whot makes the system of Russion mot so interesting are the derivatives. 'Okhuyet' is to be extremely surprised, liko when you see your friend Vasya puking in the guttor. He would then report to be fooling 'khuyo-v©.' Also worth remembering ore *Ni khuyo sebe!* — 'No fucking way!' and the derivative 'khuinyo' — bollocks, bullshit. 3 Pizda — literolly, 'cunt' If you're tired of sending people to the penis, you con send them 'v pizdu' for the soke of variety Derivatives abound from this particularly crude item: your new mobile you might describe os ' pizda ty," or if you doubt tho truth of a statement, you could soy 'Chyo ty pizdish?* — “Why are you talking through your...?" Well, you know what. Perhaps the most useful mcomabon of this word is 'pizdets,' meaning a 'total fuck up.“ The phrase 'Eta prosto pizdets!' expresses the sublime dcgroe of misery, a predicament where things can get no worse. Anyone boon to Kaluga? Perversely enough, a choory 'pizdets!' could mean ¡usl, 'wow!' 4Mudak — literally, "testicle." This word is never used in its original meaning, but has come into common currency to mean an "asshole" or "dickhead," i.e. a man you find disagreeable. This word is at the softcore end of the mat spectrum, but a phrase like "on polny mudak," is still a dire condemnation of anyone it is used to denote. When a shapka-weor-ing Volga driver cuts you off on the Garden Ring, "mudak!" is what you shout out of your window at him. A younger "mudak" could bo tenderly referred to as a "mudachok," while an adult male could also be termed a "mudilo" — a particularly unpleasant subspecies of the 'mudak.' 5Yebat — literally, "to fuck." This verb has all the primary meanings you'd expect it to have, with a couple of juicy extras unknown to English. "Zaebat" means to exhaust, to make sick of. "On menya zaebal!" means "I'm sick to fucking death of him." For the virtuoso mat-user, "vyebyvotsya" means to show off in some crass or reprehensible way, and for me always conjures up the image of elitny hairdresser Sergey Zveryev. To fuck someono up is "otyebat," and the reflexive form "otyebis!" means "get the fuck away from me!" Also, 'zayebis!" is a nice mat variant of "khorosho" or "kru-to." For example, "Vsyo zayebis!" — "Everything's fucking great!" Srat — literally, "to shit." This word has spawned a mass of colorful derivatives. An enduring favorite is "zasranets' — a pest, often used offectionately. "Obosratsya" literally moans to shit oneself, but is most often employed to mean "to fuck up" i.e. "to make on embarassing mistake." To criticize something savagely is "obsirot" — to shit all over it. "Chto ty nashu stranu obsiroyesh?" is a phrase heard by any foreigner who has ever tried to argue with a Russian nationalist. The verb "prosrat" is an obscene version of "to lose." "Opyot noshi prosrali" is what people soy after seeing the Russion football team ploy. ■-9 Jf A combination of the m above. The ur-toxt of Russian mat is, neodless to say, the lyrics of Leningrad. The song "Den Rozhdeniya" from the olbum "Dachniki” culminates in the impressive riff, "Vse zayebalo! Piz-dets no khui blyod!" roughly trons-kitoble os "Fuck it all! Fucking load of bullshit!" In the song, this phrose is the mournful outburst of a man so weary of life that ho doesn't even want to celebrate his birthday. Other permutations like "Idi v pizdu, Wyo, mudak" aro also possible. Warning: if English swoaring is like beer, Russian mat is like vodka — it's effect is stronger and foreigners should be wary when using it. Take your load from your interlocutor: if they use mot, then you con too. • FM
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Комментарии 5 12.11.201221:11 ссылка -3.2
духлес Bad Comedian
Перевод "все заебало пиздец нахуй бляТь" не доставил. Даже нелитературное надмозговое пиздецкое говно.
Фублять, надо же так не знать и не понимать мат :)
chuvag chuvag 12.11.201221:18 ответить ссылка -0.4
7-й пункт беден...
Illbefake Illbefake 12.11.201221:19 ответить ссылка -0.3
po4emu zveryev "vyebyvatsya", a ne "ebanutyi dolboeb"
snaker snaker 12.11.201221:23 ответить ссылка -0.3
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