De facto relationship Department Eligible Now Zealand Citizen Employed EOI IELTS Invitation / песочница какой то хуеты текста в поисковике при поиске новых ле гушиц :: anon

anon песочница какой то хуеты текста в поисковике при поиске новых ле гушиц 
De facto relationship
Eligible Now Zealand Citizen
Married relationship
For the purposes of a Pants Based Sk&ed Migration visa appcaton. a person ts m a de facto relatonshp with another person if:
•	they are not n a marned relationship (for the
De facto relationship Department Eligible Now Zealand Citizen Employed EOI IELTS Invitation Married relationship For the purposes of a Pants Based Sk&ed Migration visa appcaton. a person ts m a de facto relatonshp with another person if: • they are not n a marned relationship (for the purposes of the Migration Act 1958) with each other. • they are not related by famiy: • they have a mutuaf commitment to a shared life to the exduson of as others: • the relationship between them is genuine and conttfiung; • they Ive together or donotbve separately and ip an on a permanent basis; and • the reatonshp has continued for the period of 12 months mmedatety precedng the date of appbcation. Note: The 12-month relationship requirement does not apply if the applicant can estafobsh that there are oompesmg and compassionate crcunstances for the gant of the vsa. Department of Immigration and Citizenship. For sponsorship purposes, an EfegOte New Zealand Citizen is a person who held a Speoai Category Visa (SCV) on 26 February 2001; or held a SCV for at (east one year in the 2 years preoedng that date; or has a certificate, issued under the Scoal Security Aa 1991. that states that the New Zealand otizen was. for the purposes of that Act. resdng n Australia on a particular date. Applications for these certificates closed on 26 February 2004 (for hither detals pease contact Centrefcnk on 131 673). In order for an dgjkie New Zeafand ofizen to be a sponsor they must meet health and character retirements. The case officer pocessng the ¿ppicatton wii advise whether hearth andfor character checks wfl need to be undertaken. Harwng worked n paid employment for at east 20 hoas a week. Expos sen of merest Internationa Engfesh Language Testing System For more detas about IEUS, pease visit the IEUS website \WAv.eits.orQ If. after subnutting your EOI under SkASdect, based on the ratng of your skis and attributes and you have an occupation on the SOL. the M/nster may issue an xivitation to make an appfccaton for a sk£ed visa. Pasons arena married reiatooshp if: • they ae maned to each other under a mart age that is valid for the purposes of the Migration Act 1958: • they have a mutud commitment to a shaed bfe as husband and wife to the exciuson of as others: • the rdatonshp between them is genuine and contnung: and • they Ive togetha or do not bve separatdy and apart on a permanent basis. Pants Based Sfe&ad 5
anon,песочница какой то хуеты текста в поисковике при поиске новых ле гушиц
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