Unsent Tweets Michael McFaul O @McFaul • Mar 24 If Putin invaded Ukraine to stop NATO expa / Острый Перец :: разная политота :: разное

#Острый Перец разная политота 
Unsent Tweets

Michael McFaul O @McFaul • Mar 24
If Putin invaded Ukraine to stop NATO expansion, why isn't he invading Finland and Sweden right now, before it's too late?
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Unsent Tweets Michael McFaul O @McFaul • Mar 24 If Putin invaded Ukraine to stop NATO expansion, why isn't he invading Finland and Sweden right now, before it's too late? Replying to @McFaul Tweet your reply £ Tag people El Add description 0 ED o— o— © Co <s>
Острый Перец,разное,разная политота
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