Flayne of House Karrotte & Sancha Gobzales, a loyal Squire
Age: 19 Gender: Female Race: Human (Mostly) Alignment: Lawful Stupid Class: Knight Languages: Latin, English, French, Spanish Strength: Constitution: Dexterity: Wisdom: Intelligence: Charisma: She is overly competitive, whenever she loses she’ll never forget how she lost and ruminates for days, weeks on how she can do better. Extreme white knight syndrome, she will meddle in people’s business if it so much tickles her chivalry bone She is actually very well trained, but she is lacking in real combat experience She is alot better as a horseback Knight with a spear or lance in hand than her trusty longsword, problem is she doesn’t feel it to be chivalrous enough She’s known to have charisma, she’s very popular with both men and women, and caused a great many confusion among them, whether or not Flayne is flirting or simply being herself... She never went beyond first base. Speaks in a very lofty/eloquent manner, that might be difficult for others to understand sometimes
Age: 18 f Gender: Female l Race: Goblina \ Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Class: Rogue ^ Languages: Spanish, English, Nahuatl Strength: Constitution Dexterity: Wisdom Intelligence Charisma: Is a crackshot slinger, she grew up an Alpaca shepherd and is used to slinging rocks towards would be predators like wolves or bandits Sancha couldn’t grasp the concept of honor and chivalry that other Knights preach, she is within the mindset of ‘whatever works should be used’ Sancha and her people believes that the bigger the hat = the more important and loved they are within their respective communities Sancha doesn’t have a conventional home, being from a nomadic tribe, her definition of home is her familia, right now she considers Flayne her home, but she missed her other homes dearly She absolutely adores cheese, she even knows how to make Alpaca cheese with a secret formula Sancha has a grip strength of 120 kg, Goblins are natural climbers Sancha has Pyrophobia, often times she will light a candle on top of her hat as a challenge to herself that she can conquer that fear, one small step at a time
BasedBinkie,artist,Chivalry Starved,Goblin Girl,Гоблин,Goblin,Fantasy race,knight,без перевода,BasedBinkie,artist,Chivalry Starved,Goblin Girl,,Fantasy race,
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Human с уточнением Mostly вызывает любопытство
Однако следует отметить что "тяжелое" оружие от "легкого" отличает не вес, а расположения центра тяжести. У рапиры он максимально близко к руке, за счет чего ею легко управлять. А у какого-нибудь тесака/фальчиона смещен к кончику лезвия, за счет чего прекрасно рубит.
Вообще, с мечом в первую очередь скилл и поставленный удар важен, так как если у тебя клинок неправильно в цель как входит, так и проходит, то даже самый острый меч превратиться в дубину.
Да и вообще, классическое деление на ловкость и силу то ещё добро, по которой ещё и для лука физическая сила не нужна.
Даже сейчас дай бог обычный человек знает своя язык + хотя бы английский.
А во времена, когда грамотность была почти недоступной знание четырех языков это уже уровень какого нибудь высочайшего философа или политика.