...and he's completely confused... Romme's relationship with Patches is complex. / long post :: отношения полов :: relationship :: :: long post :: длиннопост :: без перевода :: английский язык :: отношения :: cats :: котэ (прикольные картинки с кошками)

котэ отношения английский язык без перевода длиннопост long post отношения полов 

...and he's
Romme's relationship with Patches is complex.,котэ,прикольные картинки с кошками,отношения,английский язык,без перевода,длиннопост,long post,cats,relationship,,long post,отношения полов
 ...and he's completely confused... Romme's relationship with Patches is complex.
котэ,прикольные картинки с кошками,отношения,английский язык,без перевода,длиннопост,long post,cats,relationship,,long post,отношения полов
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Tell them to hurry the fuck up.
Compere them to other, better people 8s mucf as you can
Gaslight them
with anxietu
Kepeat yourseir.
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them for everything they do, this builds character

без перевода отношения relationship отношения полов

How to love someone Tell them to hurry the fuck up. Compere them to other, better people 8s mucf as you can Gaslight them with anxietu Interrogate them Kepeat yourseir. Repeat yourself. Pace around for no fucking reason. Criticise them for everything they do, this builds character
before i met him:
after we started dating: