Тут строение гусеницы выложили недавно, вот я нашел еще Улана / RimWorld :: Игры

RimWorld Игры 

Тут строение гусеницы выложили недавно, вот я нашел еще Улана

Commander - Pro-tip - how can you tell a normal squirrel from a squirrel commander when all squirrels look the same? Normal squirrels do not usually nde a Scyther
Armoured Head - A Scyther’s head is dominated by a thick piece of sloping armour that protects the Commander and Gunner from incoming
Commander - Pro-tip - how can you tell a normal squirrel from a squirrel commander when all squirrels look the same? Normal squirrels do not usually nde a Scyther Armoured Head - A Scyther’s head is dominated by a thick piece of sloping armour that protects the Commander and Gunner from incoming nghteous vengeance Sensor Cluster Coward's Lance - This weapon can propel a solid object to 18,000 fps, enabling the Scyther to engage targets from a safe range Scyther Blades - Try to keep your favourite organs away from these. Driver - This is Dave He used to dnve a bus through his home town Now he drives a Scyther through the entrails of the innocent Fuel Tanks - A Scyther's power-plant runs on the tears of its victims When filled to capacity, the fuel tanks can hold 5.2 gallons of tears Gunner - This is Bob Are you missing an arm? Are the brains of your best friend splattered on your face? That was Bob Bob is a dick Ammunition Tank - Contains approximately 250 nuts 3000 years in the future and cowardly squirrels are still throwing nuts at the innocent from a safe distance
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Leonad Leonad 24.05.202319:53 ответить ссылка 0.6
Wizuki Wizuki 25.05.202300:03 ответить ссылка 0.2
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RimWorld Игры RimWorld HSK

Оагк1*дМ1 совершил ошибку I беременность) над Эат. Наркоз (лёгкая сонливость, 1 д) Тошнота (2ч) (з1аде2) 1 1 ! 1 Грудь Г рудь (Обычная) 1 Торс Порез Ж I Левое плечо Рваная рана Ж * Позвоночник Трещина Я 1 Гениталии Вагина (Обычная) 1 Анус Анус (Вместительный ) 1
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