"Angry Marines"
The Chaos Nbnn« bnght red armor shone in the late afternoon tun. the spikes upon their shoulders menacing. The new arrival* stood fast. As the distance between the two forces began to close, there arose from these vellow warriors the loudest scream I had ever heard. It shook the ground. Even through my helmet, it made my ears ring and m> skull ache. And it simply kept gening louder as their Captam s fist slow ly rose into the air. As it rose lo a nearly supersonic volume. I finally made out the words contained in the scream: •ALWAYS ANGRY!!!" In a chorus louder even than the Captain s scream, the soldiers returned: -ALL THE TIME!!!" Then it hrgan. Without a word, the Space Marine* returned to their drop pod and were soon u hisked away from the battlefield There had been no more than a dozen of them. n»x a single word exchanged between our two Oupterv To this day. I has e never seen any Marines fight w ith such rage and hatred. The mass of, enemy berserkers was reduced to mere chunks, legs. arms, heads, and full of blood Bus of red armor strew about the field. We hadnoTcv the chance to advance by the time the ~ both tfiefrs and • w as through. I turned 10 my Captain and asked. "Who 'I had thought it was
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