Захотел узнать про Monster Girl Island и за 5 минут понял что проект забросили. / ремейк :: возможно :: monster girl island :: Игры

monster girl island ремейк возможно Игры 

Захотел узнать про Monster Girl Island и за 5 минут понял что проект забросили. Но потом нашёл комменты людей захотевших возродить игру (скорее "идейный наследник" чем "ремейк" так как не хотят нарушать закон). Ребята создали комнату в Discord (свободный вход) и пока просто обсуждают проект (а возможно пустой трёп). Есть желающие попробовать себя в разработке игр?

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Monster Girl Island: Prologue » Comments
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SomeFemboyNekoBoy 10 days ago (2 edits)

& itch.io Browse Games Game Jams *£> Upload Game Halloween Sale 2023 Developer Logs Search for games or creators Q Login Monster Girl Island: Prologue » Comments Viewing post in Monster Girl Island: Prologue comments <— Return to game comments SomeFemboyNekoBoy 10 days ago (2 edits) tempted to get a team of people to remake this game (Granted, a lot would change to avoid legal troubles) tbh granted I cant code worth shit any coders wanna help? xd Reply ▲ Corveiro 3 days ago heyy!! lets bring this game back, i will code for you!! xD Send DM on Discord: Reply ▲ ^ SomeFemboyNekoBoy 3 days ago ayo?! Is this seriously about to happen?! Reply ▲ * * AlaskanJedi 3 days ago I can't code myself or I would help code, but can we create a Discord for those who want to help or check for updates? Reply ▲ ^ SomeFemboyNekoBoy 2 days ago I was joking about this but like...give me a sec Reply ▲ ^ SomeFemboyNekoBoy 2 days ago https://discord.com/invite/ Reply ▲ ^ Freshie 2 hours ago I could do story-writing, I'm pretty creative and know English so well I can translate better than grammarly. Reply ▲ ^ Freshie 2 hours ago I genuinely wish the above was a joke, but it isn't Reply ▲ ^ Freshie 2 hours ago I also know a small bit of japanese, at the very least enough to grammar-check any translations. Reply ¥ ti ABOUT FAQ BLOG CONTACT US Register Copyright © 2023 itch corp • Directory • Terms • Privacy • Cookies
monster girl island,ремейк,возможно,Игры
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