Anonymous 3/2/2024,1:55:14 AM No.76381149 56 KB JPEG > be me > completely heterosexual > be i / greentext :: тредшот :: 4chan

4chan greentext тредшот 
3/2/2024,1:55:14 AM
>	be me
>	completely heterosexual
>	be in the storeroom in the back
>	my coworker is also back there
>	he definitely works out
>	see him reaching up to the tall shelf
>	feel nothing because I'm straight
>	go home and fuck my sister
Anonymous 3/2/2024,1:55:14 AM No.76381149 56 KB JPEG > be me > completely heterosexual > be in the storeroom in the back > my coworker is also back there > he definitely works out > see him reaching up to the tall shelf > feel nothing because I'm straight > go home and fuck my sister Get your mind out of the gutter, you fucking degenerates. I told you I'm not gay.
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Комментарии 5 03.03.202412:43 ссылка -5.8
Свит хоум Алабама.
Van-ay Van-ay 03.03.202412:48 ответить ссылка 4.6
Почему траханье сестры гейство?
garet garet 03.03.202412:51 ответить ссылка -5.6
Она мужик.
BlooMeaT BlooMeaT 03.03.202412:56 ответить ссылка -0.2
В том то и дело что нет
Так он поясняет, что переглянулся с другим сотрудником, никакого влечения, а после вернулся домой и трахнул сестру. Как бы никакой связи, но и не исключает тот факт, что он быстро домой вернулся и вожделение догнало его уже там, когда он был рядом с сестрой.
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i Anonymous
01/07/23(Sat)19:31:08 No.71736402
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>when im at home on my computer i wish i had friends to do stuff with
>when i finally get friends and do stuff with them i wish i
was at home on my computer

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i Anonymous 01/07/23(Sat)19:31:08 No.71736402 8272fefe9e9fdff2d3bb77957b79303cni.jpg 23 KB JPG >when im at home on my computer i wish i had friends to do stuff with >when i finally get friends and do stuff with them i wish i was at home on my computer why
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>йе MT МКММЬТТ <Т+ТяеП >тМТТи> Ь згпТТве тт№Г<нМТ+ >бШЫ еГГПТТйЕ ТгПГ 4НЕ wTtE ><j!>iy ïïn+ йГаПвЕ

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198 KB JPG >йе MT МКММЬТТ <Т+ТяеП >тМТТи> Ь згпТТве тт№Г<нМТ+ >бШЫ еГГПТТйЕ ТгПГ 4НЕ wTtE ><j!>iy ïïn+ йГаПвЕ НЬйЙЕТТ TIT ¡УПЙГ ЕшйТГе?
File: downs'! 7n-2-web idq (94 KB, 750x829)
: Anonymous 03/22/17(Wed)16:03:39 No 726490398 ► story time autists
>be me
>6‘6“ 2801b redneck
>we‘re talking full blown, AR15-toting, Trump-supporting, trailer-dwelling Texan redneck >live 2 miles from nearest human and 10 miles from nearest town »wa

тредшот 4chan перевел сам реднеки юмор,юмор в картинках greentext Cool story

File: downs'! 7n-2-web idq (94 KB, 750x829) : Anonymous 03/22/17(Wed)16:03:39 No 726490398 ► story time autists >be me >6‘6“ 2801b redneck >we‘re talking full blown, AR15-toting, Trump-supporting, trailer-dwelling Texan redneck >live 2 miles from nearest human and 10 miles from nearest town »wa
: Anonymous
01/03/23(Tue)02:06:03 No.71667589
>New Year's Eve
>Hug my dog because it's fluffy and cute >Dad: Are you hugging the dog?
>Me: Yes
>Dad: How about you find a girlfriend and hug her? How about that?
Every single time...
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: Anonymous 01/03/23(Tue)02:06:03 No.71667589 >New Year's Eve >Hug my dog because it's fluffy and cute >Dad: Are you hugging the dog? >Me: Yes >Dad: How about you find a girlfriend and hug her? How about that? Every single time... 1664459191880150.png 777 KB PNG
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>he silently raises his hand, as in, "close the door you imbecile"
>i shake it

4chan тредшот greentext

>me, at uni >enter the bathroom >open the first booth i see >see teacher shitting there >not being prepared for it, i autistically stare at him >he silently raises his hand, as in, "close the door you imbecile" >i shake it 17 KB JPG