A-7 PLATFORM / Sci-Fi :: Sci-Fi :: airship :: artist :: ZiYuan Wang :: airship :: artist :: ZiYuan Wang :: art :: art (арт)

ZiYuan Wang artist Sci-Fi art airship 


\ ^		f • W,ZiYuan Wang,artist,Sci-Fi,art,арт,airship,ZiYuan Wang,artist,Sci-Fi,art,airship

'They have filled the cargo hold with the energy processed into liquid form. The thing emits a metallic smell that makes me feel sick; I feel like I can taste it in my mouth. I really don't know how they endure this working environment,.It was as if they were not human. I

In my concept, the center of this area features a massive energy core. Initially, I focused on exploring various silhouettes,attempting to find a towering, robust structure with a spherical or curved surface design. (I aimed to visually suggest that the building has some energy storage

3D Assets
As most of the buildings in the scene are in the background, I utilize textures to represent the majority of details.
J'i 'J,ZiYuan Wang,artist,Sci-Fi,art,арт,airship,ZiYuan Wang,artist,Sci-Fi,art,airship

\ ^ f • W
A-7 PLATFORM Conception 'They have filled the cargo hold with the energy processed into liquid form. The thing emits a metallic smell that makes me feel sick; I feel like I can taste it in my mouth. I really don't know how they endure this working environment,.It was as if they were not human. I can hear the howling of the wind passing through the pipes, or is it coming from the energy core? I don’t know; those damn sounds have all merged into a mess. My crew and I were supposed to depart immediately, but the navigator mentioned that the day-night temperature difference in this area could cause intense downdrafts. I guess we have to wait until tomonow.This place is as hot as hell; I can't sleep at all! I wonder how others ar-e going to get through tonight. Are they going to drink that nasty stuff again?Damn it! Did these bastards' brains break during the modificatio-n?! I feel like I'm starting to become abnormal too; I should stay calm, but I feel very thirsty." — Excerpt from Transport Log 5/15,547years after Rebirth Day. After the surface was devastated by the Great Eruption,people migrated above the turbid layer, establishing large settlements using volcanoes as massive energy sources. Like some kind of sentient being, it is deeply rooted in the surface of this planet, drawing nutrients from b-elow, waving Its daws with each breath, expanding outward. As the long night approaches, this steel behemoth shows no signs of fatigue. Light seeps out between the buildings, ready to welcome the next cyde. The sketch Continuing with the creation of my personally crafted world view, before delving into a more detailed depiction of this world, I have developed some conceptual ideas and settings based on text, along with fragmented visual representations. In this phase, I want to focus on a larger area and the overall atmospheric feeling.l believe that by doing so, it will aid me in contemplating the relationships between different parts of the world view and connecting them in my subsequent creations. In the design process, I am using the earlier designs as references, aiming to unify the design language. -.-a ® The natural environment and terrain references are drawn from photographs of the Grand Canyon in the United States and Mars. Regarding the layout of the city, I drew inspiration from the designs of human extraterrestrial colonies in some science fiction works. I chose this circular and modular city layout because I believe it emphasizes the presence of artificial structures, creating a strong contrast with the natural environment.
In my concept, the center of this area features a massive energy core. Initially, I focused on exploring various silhouettes,attempting to find a towering, robust structure with a spherical or curved surface design. (I aimed to visually suggest that the building has some energy storage functionality.) Building upon the silhouette, I added black and white blocks to simulate the structure on the building. The intention is to imply the immense volume of the structure through a visual contrast with the main building's size. When composing the scene, I aim to capture the majority of the city's areas and atmosphere while retaining a certain visual impact. I intend to achieve this by incorporating elements of interest through foreground-background occlusion and the positioning relationships between buildings. In this step, I further considered the overall layout of the city with functionality as the starting point.
3D Assets As most of the buildings in the scene are in the background, I utilize textures to represent the majority of details. J'i 'J
ZiYuan Wang,artist,Sci-Fi,art,арт,airship,ZiYuan Wang,artist,Sci-Fi,art,airship
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