Familiar Lands Bestiarum: Demigods / Chivalry Starved :: BasedBinkie :: artist :: Смешные комиксы (веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы)

BasedBinkie artist Chivalry Starved Комиксы 

Familiar Lands Bestiarum: Demigods

Demigods arc the children of the Fundamentals, most of them are unstable and extremely aggresive as their minds are torn between the mortal and the divine. Most of the time demigods are born resembling humans, as they grow they tend to lose their sanity and at the same time their shapes until they

The children of the mistress of fear inherited all of her dark sides and none of the bright. Being near proximity of one causes extreme horror and dread to build up.
A touch of her tentacles would immediately induce primordial fear, bringing forth the most horrid things of the

Demigods arc the children of the Fundamentals, most of them are unstable and extremely aggresive as their minds are torn between the mortal and the divine. Most of the time demigods are born resembling humans, as they grow they tend to lose their sanity and at the same time their shapes until they eventually grow resembling their fundamental parent. They are extremely deadly, a single one capable of toppling a capital city' of a powerful nation if they so wish to, their destructive powers arc Humility Demigod comparable to those from the fabled age of myth. Towns are evacuated and armies arc fielded in hopes to vanquish one. There are several cases where demigods are able to maintain their shape and sanity', retaining a humanoid form and are able to function in civilized societies, but these cases arc exceedingly rare as most demigods will eventually succumb to pure insanity. Their children becomes the heavenspawn we all know today. Shards of Heaven Within the demigods themselves lies a piece of the heavens. These shards of heaven are necessary ingredient in forging legendary grade weapons and armor capable of rivalling the Fundamental artifacts. They are exceedingly precious and rare, that purchasing one could bankrupt a smaller nation. Demigods are the most dangerous threats within the Familiar Lands that even the Chosen try to avoid at all costs earning them 20+ Menace Marks Combat guide Pride’s Radiance Physical You should attempt to be leagues away from the nearest demigod whenever possible, the moment you are able to even see a demigod is the moment your life is forfeit. If you are of weaker mind, you will go insane with their sheer presence, and even if you sre strong of mind, you will constantly need to concentrate lest you succumb to their sheer power. There is no world in where you will be able to defeat a demigod singlehandedly, not even the chosen knights could do so. Varies by demigod, but all of them possesses great physical strength, especially wrath’s demigod Magical Potency • > Perform prayers for the Fundamental you worship, and pray that your death will be swift and painless, maintain your willpower and die with your ego intact. Varies by demigod, but all of them possesses great magical potency, especially kindness demigod Threat Level If you are able to escape, inform your monarch of the location and situation of the demigod and hope your countrymen can muster up the forces to fend off a demigod Continental level threats, a passive demigod should be left well alone, a fight should be avoided at all costs and if it did happen, then prepare for years of recovery and reparations. Do not attempt to reason with them, they are always the very worst of the fundamental parent they share their blood with. A pride demigod would only seek to prove himself better than you, a diligence demigod would simply enslave you and turn you Pride Demigod into a puppet. Do not disturb a slumbering demigod, do not awaken at any cost or reason. Incomplete Magnum Opus
Humility Demigod The children of the mistress of fear inherited all of her dark sides and none of the bright. Being near proximity of one causes extreme horror and dread to build up. A touch of her tentacles would immediately induce primordial fear, bringing forth the most horrid things of the age of myth that humanity has forgotten but their genes do not. Prolonged proximity with the demigod will also imduce heart attack due to the fear buildup, looking at it directly would hasten the process. Shard of Heaven: Heart of Terror Contained within the demigod, the heart of terror is a concentrated essence of pure fear and could be used to create a terrifying set of armor that would induce terror to those who dare struck it, or a blade that would curse those it hurt with visions that will haunt them forever. Heart of terror must be contained in an isolated and secure spot, if one sleeps in a close enough proximity of it they will be haunted with extremely vivid nightmares Drinking the heart of terror is extremely inadvisable but on one occasion has lead to the individual to develop mastery of shadow magics and a fearless disposition, but one must be extremely brave beforehand to drink this powerful concoction.
BasedBinkie,artist,Chivalry Starved,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы
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У детей местных божеств фундаменталов и людей потеря рассудка ведет к смене формы с человеческой на эту очень опасную ебалу.
Глав героиня дочь очень храброго рыцаря и хтонической ебалы божественного происхождения.
У глав героини подтекает крыша.
И еще вот этот выпуск комикса https://joyreactor.cc/post/5871993 и отдельный арт потенциального будущего был, найти сейчас не могу.

Глав героиня движется в эту сторону, и в этом часть интриги повествования?

Да нет никакого повествования, автор прогревает на подписку на Патреон с возможностью заказывать арты. И это довольно грустно, я бы вот хотел увидеть полную сюжетную арку того, как инквизиторша из милой тян превратилась в ярую ксенофобку и расистку.

и в этой арке конечно же будет замешан отец Флейн и её мать Надежда Ивановна
AZ228 AZ228 23.09.202419:25 ответить ссылка 1.1
наконец-то страничка про полубогов, ещё со времён гордости её жду
AZ228 AZ228 23.09.202419:20 ответить ссылка 0.0
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BasedBinkie artist Chivalry Starved Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы

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BasedBinkie artist Chivalry Starved Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы

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