ENDYMION покидает ENZYME и присоединяется к NEOPHYTE RECORDS. / hardcore :: video :: gabber :: Музыка

music video gabber hardcore 
ENDYMION покидает ENZYME и присоединяется к NEOPHYTE RECORDS. Rocking With The Best!

Endymion joins Neophyte Records,Music,,Spectacular news from the Neophyte Records headquarters. The world's leading hardcore label is very excited and proud to announce that Dutch hardcore masters ENDYMION exclusively signed to Neophyte Records! Endymion needs no further introduction, these incredibly talented producers released many successful albums on labels like Supreme Intelligence and Enzyme Records. Besides that they are responsible for numerous remixes and productions on well-respected labels like The Third Movement, Traxtorm Records, Viper Beatz and, of course, Neophyte Records. Nowadays Endymion is without a doubt one of the strongest brands in hardcore music, constantly surprising with highly artistically inspiring productions and of course their energetic performances on leading events all over the world. So it's a thrill that these masterminds decided to sign to the Neophyte imprint and of course Endymion is determined to continue releasing captivating and brutal compositions in the near future. After releasing their stunning Documentary film, they proudly present the new Endymion release titled 'Make Some Noise E.P.'. This release is scheduled for February 21 containing four new solo tracks, two Endymion remixes and two collaboration tracks, so you better pay attention to this upcoming piece of musical madness! http://www.facebook.com/endymionmusic http://www.twitter.com/endymionmusic http://www.endymion.nl http://www.facebook.com/neophyterecords http://www.twitter.com/neophyterecords http://www.neophyterecords.com
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