Transparent Smartphone Prototype by Polytron Hands On Video,Tech,,transparent smartphone hands on / apple glasses sucks :: samsung :: apple glasses suck :: прозрачный смартфон

прозрачный смартфон samsung apple glasses suck песочница apple glasses sucks 

Transparent Smartphone Prototype by Polytron Hands On Video,Tech,,transparent smartphone hands on Polytron is working on getting the hardware components of the smarpthone up and running, this prototype shows that that they will be able to power the device even though it will primarily be transparent. There is no software running on the prototype as the primary purpose of this prototype is to begin hardware integration and to get OEMs excited about the potential of Polytrons technology. This is an interesting begining for something that most consider a piece of tech that we would only see in Sci-Fi flicks. Taking a closer look at the smartphone we've got a bunch of components that won't be transparent, the SD card and the SIM card which will be placed directly above it. They've only got 2 watch batteries in there for the moment to power the LED to show that the material they've made the phone out of will indeed conduct power. At the top we've got a micro camera and a microphone. Since this is smart glass technology we'll be able to cover up the bottom portion of the hardset where all of the non-transparent technology will be cramed in. If you want to check out a transparent battery here is a link:
прозрачный смартфон,samsung,apple glasses suck,песочница,apple glasses sucks
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даже на прототип не тянет
Romani Romani 08.02.201322:37 ответить ссылка 0.0
Чёта не видо работы этой хрени. По виду кусок орг-стекла не более
New Sit New Sit 08.02.201322:42 ответить ссылка 0.0
Для чего этот телефон? ЧТобы все видели что я пишу, смотрю и в общем делаю???
Fury Fury 08.02.201322:57 ответить ссылка 0.0
ебать он лох
amphik amphik 08.02.201323:46 ответить ссылка 0.0
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