Писатель из США Джон Миллуорд потратил более полугода на то, чтобы описать порноиндустрию с демограф / дрочил ради науки :: про порно :: статистика :: длинные картинки

длинные картинки про порно статистика дрочил ради науки песочница 
Писатель из США Джон Миллуорд потратил более полугода на то, чтобы описать порноиндустрию с демографической точки зрения. Изучив базу данных, состоящую из 120 тысяч фильмов для взрослых и 115 тысячах актеров, исследователь развеял многие мифы, связанные с порноиндустрией.
На своем сайте писатель выложил подробный графический отчет о проделанной работе. Стараясь понять, что за люди идут в порноактеры, Миллуорд изучил личные досье более 10 000 артистов этого непростого жанра. После анализа гигантского массива данных оказалось, что на семь женщин, снимающихся в порно, приходятся трое мужчин. Иными словами, эти цифры развенчивают миф о том, что индустрия для взрослых нещадно эксплуатирует представительниц прекрасного пола. Выяснилось, что мужчинам приходится трудиться на благо эротоманов гораздо усерднее, чем их партнершам.
Самые востребованные актрисы сменяют за год всего восемь партнеров, а актеры – более сорока. Еще один стереотип о том, что типичная порноактриса – это блондинка с большой грудью, Миллуорду также удалось развенчать. Оказалось, что обычно в фильмах снимаются брюнетки со средним бюстом. Кроме того, рядовой порноактер весит в среднем чуть более 88 килограммов, а актрисы – 53 килограмма. Образ толстого и усатого порноактера, которому нечем похвастаться, кроме, возможно, размера своего мужского достоинства, также оказался неверным.
Представление о том, что в порнобизнесе можно сниматься годами, а то и десятилетиями, сегодня неактуально. Если в 1970-е годы средний "стаж" порноактера был 9-12 лет, то к 1990-м годам он составлял уже 5-9 лет, а в 2000-е и того меньше – 3-4 года. Американец исследовал также вопрос о том, выходцы из каких стран обычно идут в порноиндустрию. Оказалось, что большинство актеров "взрослого жанра" родились в США, Чехии и Венгрии. Далее в этом списке идут Британия, Россия, Франция, Канада, Германия и Италия.
Наконец, Миллуорд составил рейтинг образов, наиболее популярных в порнофильмах. Самыми востребованными амплуа оказались девочки-подростки, сразу за которыми идут привлекательные зрелые женщины, "сексуальные мамаши". На третьем месте находятся актрисы, играющие роль жен (которые по сюжету фильма всегда изменяют мужьям) и медсестры.
A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars and Their Careers
The Internet Adult Film Database contains information on over 125,000 pornographic movies and demographic profiles of more than 115,000 adult performers and directors. For the first time, a sample of 10,000 porn stars has been extracted from the
A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars and Their Careers The Internet Adult Film Database contains information on over 125,000 pornographic movies and demographic profiles of more than 115,000 adult performers and directors. For the first time, a sample of 10,000 porn stars has been extracted from the database to discover, through an analysis of their characteristics and careers, what the average performer looks like, what they do on film, and how their role has evolved over the past few decades. Ratio of male to female performers Я1[1!ПМППП TM ёлтп ' 'п- яя№ 9 30% male 70% female Breakdown of female porn stars' races, featuring the headshots of 5000 performers t• W -»WiW-!i-iWAirtn Фß »ea§ irhñr' 1 гчНПг^И, , rffipi •• ,-v Ч» г iß - у- «ш J л ■ 'u - ¡ n Г» ipp® 1Ш№ №nh - niJ w . ô ЧВвМР rVii - •'/$ол'tuiifЖ ' £^ЛС' - /п1' 70.5% Caucasian 14% black 9.3% Latin 5.2%Asian i%other Breakdown of female porn stars' hair colors 22.5% black 39.1% brown 32.7% blonde 5.3% red National avg. weight Avg. porn star weight Heaviest porn stars Lightest porn stars Men 194.7 lbs 167.5 lbs (-27 lbs) 328 lbs 81 lbs Women 164.7 lbs 117 lbs (-48 lbs) 719 lbs 74 lbs ! J The heaviest female porn star weighs roughly the same as two giant pandas. I J The lightest weighs about the same as the average American 10-year-old girl. Avg. measurements Avg. porn star height Tallest porn stars Shortest porn stars 34-24-34 Men 540" 6'9" 4'3" Women 5'5" 6'4" 3'7" Most common bra size Many people think the avg. porn star is a double D cup. In reality, double D ranks 4th, behind В, C, and D. The% of porn stars who have a tattoo Men 24.4% Women 42% là. j Se 9.5% more porn stars have tattoos than non-porn stars of the same age. 24% more Asian female porn stars have tattoos than their Caucasian counterparts. 40.6% of Latin male porn stars have tattoos, 12.5% more than Caucasian males. The % of porn stars who have a piercing somewhere other than their ears Men 10% >2 20% of Latin male porn stars have a body piercing. Women 40% Л 13% more porn stars have piercings than non-porn stars. The average age of men and women when they make their porn debut Men 24 y.o. 1 4 ! ^ In the 1970s the average debut age for men was 29. Women 22 y.o. 1 « ! The avg. debut age for women hasn't changed in 40 years. There appears to be no difference in debut age by race for men or women. The birth places of 2,850 female porn stars with top ten rankings for states and countries TOP TEN (J.S. STATES 1 California 939 2 Florida 216 3 Texas 172 4 New york 148 5 Ohio 91 6 Illinois 79 7 Arizona 78 8 Michigan 75 9 Nevada 74 10 Pennsylvania 69 TOP TEN COUNTRIES 1 USA 2850 2 Hungary 704 3 Czech Republic 536 4 U.K. 254 5 Russia 242 6 France 229 7 Canada 171 8 Germany 109 9 Italy 108 10 Brazil 88 The average number of years porn stars spend in the industry Men 4 years ! 1970s: 12 years 1980s: 11 years 1990s: 9 years 2000s: 4 years Women 3 years ! 1970s: 9 years 1980s: 7 years 1990s: 5 years 2000s: 3 years Porn stars' careers have consistently been getting shorter over the last 40 years. The average number of movie titles in which performers appear Men 16 films Women 19 films Approx. 80% of women do more than one film and 53% do more than three. Of the 100 porn stars with the most film credits to their names, 96 are male. A relatively small group of the same men perform in a large proportion of films The number of on-screen sexual partners of the most prolific porn stars Tom Byron and Nina Hartley are the most prolific porn stars. Byron has starred in 2549 films, while Hartley has been in 938. They both began their careers at about the same time, in 1982 and 1984, respectively. Nina Hartley According to his film credits in the IAFD database, Tom Byron has slept on-camera with 1,127 different women in his 30-year career. In contrast, during her 28 years in the business Nina Hartley has slept with 199 men. The ten most prolific male porn stars have slept with an average of 1,013 women each over an average career length of 22.4 years. This equates to an average of 45 different women per year. The ten most prolific female porn stars have slept with an average of 148 men over an average career length of 17.7 years -an average of 8 different men a year, or more than 5 times fewer on-screen partners of the opposite gender than the men. The %s of female porn stars who perform certain sex acts at least once in their careers 87% take a facial 62% do anal 53% do interracial 39% do a double penetration 31% swallow 28% do a creampie* 24% cum swap' a male's ejaculate with another woman 10% do DPP* 6% do fisting |i >%take pee I 5% do DAP* squirt 11% pee The most common female roles that appear in film titles, ranked by frequency of use ВТТТП (954 titles) (1966 titles) 3. (499 titles) WIF 4. (370 titles) CHE ERLEADER 5. (363 titles) NURSE 7 COED (257 titles) 11. BABYSITTER (171) 8 GIRLFRIEND 12. SORORITY (119) (231 titles) 13 SCHOOLGIRL (111) 9 COUGAR (257 titles) 14 HITCHHIKER (64) 10 SISTER (191 titles) 15. RUNAWAY (59) Most common female first names Most common female last names Most common male first names Most common ^ male last names л 0 Nikki Lee ф David 0 Lee Q Jessica Love ф Tony James Lisa Q Star / Starr John Taylor Kelly ^ Fox / Foxx 0 Mike ф Stone Q Angel Q Rose 0 Michael Michaels Nicole Lynn 0 Steve 0 Scott ^ Michelle Moore ф Mark Thomas ^ Victoria Taylor О Alex Black ^ Vanessa Sweet 0 Chris Steel / Steele ^ Samantha ^ James 0 Jason 0 Williams ► The most common last name for male and female porn stars is the same: Lee 'Butts vs. boobs' - as measured by each word's appearance (inc. synonyms) in film titles 600 500 : .c# CnV rvb oí* ob o£> nS 4 & ф ф ^ ЛЧ » rST riT Ao>' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Year of release Anal sex debuts Average 'MILF' age Social media Over the last 30 years, female performers have gradually been doing their first anal scene at an earlier point in their careers. In the '80s they waited about 2 years - now it's closer to 6 months. The average age of a female porn star who appears in a MILF film (Mother I'd like to Fuck) is 33. 7% of women in MILF titles are over 40. 4% are over 50. Porn stars are increasingly using social media to build and communicate with their fan base. The ten most popular porn stars on Twitter have 3.5 million followers between them. Bree Olson, who competed for and won Howard Stern's 'World's Biggest Whore' competition, has 406,496 followers - 32,000 more than Academy Award nominated actress Ellen Page - the female celebrity Bree Olson claims she'd most like to have sex with. The 'average porn star face', morphed using ten of the most popular women in porn Tom Byron Tori Black & Lisa Ann & Sasha Grey & Alexis Texas & Sunny Leone Nikki Benz Nina Mercedez Puma Swede Raylene & The Average Face of Ten Jesse Jane Top Female Pornstars To read the visit I IAFD analysis and infographie design by Jon Millward. Follow me on Twitter @j_millward Meanings of s act terms Male(s) ejaculate(s) on femaleVface_ 'Double penetration' of vagina and anus Female ejaculation As defined by IAFD: black man working with white woman, or vice versa Double pussy penetration Is shown urinating гоп m n/ö Male(s) ejaculate(s) inside vagina or anus of female Double anal penetration Swallows ejaculate To read lAFD's full glossary, visit Insertion of whole fist in vagina or anus _um ;wap Urinated on by someone else Ejaculate is passed from mouth to mouth full article that accompanies this infographie, Notes and references © © ® © • Female race breakdown based on 29,170 women from IAFD.com Data scraped July 2012 • Hair color breakdown based on 31,500 women from IAFD.com infographic produced Jan 2013 • Unless otherwise stated below, all statistics and averages (e.g. average bra size) are from this original analysis of the IAFD database • Race terms ('black', 'Caucasian', etc.) are based on those used by IAFD.com • National average weights: Centers for Disease Control ond Prevention: Anthropometric Reference Data for Children and Adults: United States, 2003-2006 • Giant pandas comparison: http://library.thinkquest.org/J003238/endangeredanimals.htm • Average ten-year-old girl: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/average-child-weight-by-age.html • Tattoo statistics for porn stars were for 18-25 year old performers in 2006, compared to general population in the same age bracket, polled in the same year: http://people-press.org/reports/display.php3?ReportlD=300 • Bree Olson / Ellen Page: http://coedmagazine.com/2010/10/29/the-59-most-titallating-tweets-from-the-worlds-biggest-whore-bree-olson/ • All headshots and hair color images are of the actual performers featured in this analysis and were extracted from their IAFD records • Most popular performers used in the facial morphs based on http://www.fameregistry.com/top-10/ • For all references and extended notes, please read the full article about this analysis at JonMillward.com/blog/deep-inside
длинные картинки,про порно,статистика,дрочил ради науки,песочница
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Комментарии 4 24.02.201317:25 ссылка -0.8
Бляди. шо тут говорить...
только сейчас узнал что европеоиды по английски - Caucasians D=
Лол, я сам долгое время охуевал
TooFat TooFat 24.02.201320:10 ответить ссылка 0.0
stalin stalin 24.02.201319:11 ответить ссылка 0.0
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