THE HISTORY OF WEB BROWSERS The tool that we use to browse our favorite websites has a (r / длинные картинки :: geek (Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор)

geek длинные картинки 
The tool that we use to browse our favorite websites has a (relatively) long and rich history rife with battles for market shares and dominance. This is a look into the past major events in the web browser industry.
1991 WorldWideWeb browser is released
THE HISTORY OF WEB BROWSERS The tool that we use to browse our favorite websites has a (relatively) long and rich history rife with battles for market shares and dominance. This is a look into the past major events in the web browser industry. 1991 WorldWideWeb browser is released WorldWideWeb, renamed to Nexus to avoid confusion with the www system, was the first graphical web browser and WYSIWYG HTML editor. It was developed by Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the web. I,**.-1*-"" 1993 Mosaic is released Mosaic is credited with popularizing the internet and introducing the web to the public. Contemporaries such as Internet Explorer and Firefox still use many of the graphical user interface (GUI) characteristics of Mosaic such as a top-oriented actions bar that provides basic browsing functionalities. 1994 Netscape is formed Marc Andreessen - lead software engineer of Mosiac ventures out on his own, forming Netscape and releasing the first commercial web browser: Netscape Navigator. i BOO' f*chthf 1998 Mozilla is formed Netscape starts the open source Mozilla project to develop the next generation of Communicator. It becomes evident that a project built around the existing source code was difficult, so focus shifts to building from scratch. 1998 Netscape's browser goes open source Losing traction over Internet Explorer, Netscape decides to release the source code of Communicator in the hopes of becoming a popular open source project. 1100% 80-K 60% 40% 20% Navigator Usage Usage of IE reaches over 90 2002 IE usage reaches dominating proportions Microsoft's Internet Explorer reaches a 95% share, having the advantage of being bundled with the Windows operating system. The first browser war ends with IE being the triumphant browser. 2003 Apple's Safari makes its debut Apple joins the scene with the release of Safari. It introduces a solid layout engine called WebKit which has been adopted into many mobile devices including Google and Nokia phones. 2004 Firefox 1.0 is released & 2nd Browser War Firefox 1.0, already with a huge following of early adopters via their beta releases, enters the stage. The second browser war starts, indicated by a slipping market share of Internet Explorer. Firefox comprises 7.4% of browsers being used by the end of the year. ■ и »»- S5F Mozilla VT^^^Qlft of шГГТ* Internet Explorer 7 is released Five years after IE 6, Microsoft releases version 7 of their browser, adopting some features from its open source competition (Firefox) such as tabbed browsing and anti-phishing protection. Source: Wikipedia,,, - By Jacob Gube
geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор,длинные картинки
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geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор длинные картинки безполезные вещи

Презервативы, покрытые болеутоляющими средствами. Если у вашей девушки болит голова. МоСоос^оосЬ Надувная доска для дартса. Легкая и компактная. Ее можно взять с собой в поход или куда угодно. Двухсторонние наушники для настоящих отморозков. Энергосберегающий тройник. Для людей, кто хочет сокр
Типовое \Л/ЕВ приложение
^ , Ш-контроллер
Запрос данных
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it-юмор geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор web программирование

Типовое \Л/ЕВ приложение Облачный сервис Профиль ^ , Ш-контроллер Запрос данных Запись в БД Валидатор Фронтенд Бекенд Дебаггер Логгер Фичи
honey, tell me what's wrong
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1989 1992
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