Bobbit Worm vs. Lionfish,Travel,,It was a night dive and I was filming the bobbit worm. The / цап :: няша (Фото и рисунки милых девушек привлекательной наружности - настоящие няши)

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Bobbit Worm vs. Lionfish,Travel,,It was a night dive and I was filming the bobbit worm. The lionfish was trying to hunt in the lights of the camera, as often small critters are attracted to the bright lights. In this case, it wasn't the smartest strategy because the hunter became the prey. At first I thought the lionfish was just a nuisance, but a few seconds later I realised how lucky I was to film the lightning-fast and incredibly powerful strike of the bobbit worm. Keep in mind the bobbit worm, about the thickness of two fingers, was by far the smaller critter, whereas the lionfish was about 15cm (6 inches) long. Filmed at night in Lembeh Strait.
Bobbit Worm,Animals,,Secret Bay Night Dive
няша,Фото и рисунки милых девушек привлекательной наружности - настоящие няши,цап,удалённое
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SeySey SeySey 03.05.201302:09 ответить ссылка 0.0
ссылку или не пизди
vxd2k7 vxd2k7 03.05.201302:10 ответить ссылка -0.7
Вот уж сравнил - жопу с пальцем
сасай масай
freqON freqON 03.05.201302:20 ответить ссылка 0.1
После таких моментов я блин просто счастлив что живу в маленьком городе с маленькой речкой.
гифка с let me love you, откуда?
Mass Effect 3 же.
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