Kubota Grand X - Sheer Tractoring Pleasure.,Autos,,Introducing the greatest leap forward in the / личное :: реклама креатив

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Kubota Grand X - Sheer Tractoring Pleasure.,Autos,,Introducing the greatest leap forward in the history of tractoring - the Kubota Grand X. Advertising Agency: redhanded, Melbourne, Australia. Agency website: http://redhanded.com.au Executive Creative Director: Paul Hand Creative Group Heads: Dan Forrestal & Tim Forte Art Director: Tim Forte Copywriter: Dan Forrestal Managing Partners: Paul Hand & Jim Gall Production Company: The Directors Group Director: Matt Chuang Producer: Craig Griffin Sound: Craig Conway, Final Sound Music: Level Two Music. Post-Production: Active Motion Offline Editor: Billy Browne Online Editor: Chris Reynolds Colourist: Fergus Hally
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boredvalk W il Sponsored I badly photoshopped my dog. Then I paid Facebook to show you this instead of an ad.
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