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It is said that during a devastating drought, a gigantic water snake appeared, its size was so thumping that they could never see where its tail ended, and it rose its head so high that it could wrap the moon.
The snake attended the prayers of the desperate aborigines and falling on the ground
It is said that during a devastating drought, a gigantic water snake appeared, its size was so thumping that they could never see where its tail ended, and it rose its head so high that it could wrap the moon. The snake attended the prayers of the desperate aborigines and falling on the ground crossing through the entire region fertilizing the soil created valleys, forests, jungles and mountains. The great snake stayed there asleep. The aborigines worship her 'Mother", and called River“ her the modern men called her “Magdalena Unbelievable! What a wonderful story, don't you think Vocerin? Hundreds of years have passed...so many that time made truth a myth ...but I can assure you that this story is real! Listen carefully and open your mind... Long before the called “civilized men“ came to the new world, different clans and tribes inhabited these lands. Their dogma and customs were involved with mysticism and had a strong spiritual connection with nature, which they respected and feared. But please continue...
JaGo,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,продолжение под катом,песочница
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RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201312:54 ответить ссылка 0.0
Long after the conquerors spilled blood in the new World, the colonizers located their towns at the sacred river side.
Hate, envy, revenge...drop by drop negative feelings were dumped in its waters, making them murky and dangerous. Magdalena River cried and from its tears strange creatures filled
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201312:54 ответить ссылка 0.0
' What were 1 the names of those v two heroes? a
y	Ca ttleya,	^
her name was Cattleya... the name of the guy who was with her well.,.1 think I forgot it many years ago. I'm sorry kids my memory isn't what t it used to be... A
y	KyyyyyAAW	^
I knew it, I knew it.
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201312:54 ответить ссылка 0.0
~ Wow, wow, I know it's weird that I say this, but...Shouldn't we think about it for a moment? We don't know anything about dealing with
those things	^
About that
Here, take Cottleyos diary, her power is still within the pages: inside you will find everything you need to know about the ghosts,
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201312:55 ответить ссылка 0.0
Veronica, are you sure you want to ao this? Look, it could be very danqerous.
A little, but I'm comforted^ because you are going to be there to protect me. . right?
r Yes, yes, ^ so you heard us...great.J Let's go, It's late and I'm hungry... I'll take you k home. A
Aren't you afraid?
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201312:55 ответить ссылка 0.0
Veronica, hurry up, get dress quick or youll be late for school!! ^
I'm almost ready, don't worry mom!!!
Did you hear what happened to Camilo, my neighbour's ^ son? ^
Yes. horrible
Look ot this; “ it seems to be thot the ghosts hove started to oppeor
A	^-^This	is	the\
/ third case in \
^ i
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201312:55 ответить ссылка 0.0
well...it says that ghosts are attracted by ^ misbehaviour A
Hey Vero...
We've been here for more than two hours and your freaking ghosts “'vLdon't show
I know, ' what do you «wit me to do?
Why don’t you look if there's something .helpful in the book’
^Are you out of your mind?!!. How you
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201312:55 ответить ссылка 0.0
Wow. I think you ^ were right Vcro. it wos one of the ghosts that escaped from the diary... ^
Don't even think of laying a finger on that girl. Snow White dwarf
project	^
r Where do you think I'm going to get free lunches if something happened to ^	her?!!!!	^
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201312:55 ответить ссылка 0.0
r I' you think ^ with your brain instead of using your stomach, you'd probably realize .
What's the matter with you? Why did you ^ hit me? ^
Hey, what are y . doing??
Vocerin are you ok?
Very good, formalities are over
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201312:55 ответить ссылка 0.0
Wait Vocerin, we have to check the diary to find information about this ghost,
Forget it!. The only thing I need to know about this guy is how many times I can hit him before he's down in the ground!__________________
So you want to fight seriously...
Don't tell me now that your ^ shirt is made
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201312:56 ответить ссылка 0.0
Something something is wrong, it shouldn't be so easy _
I have a bad feeling about this, I must check the tw diary ^
Vocerin watch out!!
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201312:56 ответить ссылка 0.0
не И е и е, y ou're a very	0*ty ov^ Г
boy— Has see*, m in-•	/	7	tllis fbmv
congratulation teid, you're the x	uto»A on...as a
gift i'll tell you глу илпие, te*vow^t as T " 'el sombrero*/
#(the big hat), 'the олг who nourish from disobedience'
What on earth is going on? Who are
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201312:56 ответить ссылка 0.0
it's the ritual to scat dtv*.on,<,.
i ist op Vitr,
V e\uic\zlyW
Piittr Noster, qui cs in caelis, sancrifícétur nomcn Tuum. adveniat Rcgnum Tuum. fiat volunta* tua.
^ ikur in caclo ct in terra.
m^r Panem nostrum
cotidianum y	da nobis hodic,	1
'	cr dimitcc nobis debita	'
nostra, sicut ct nos
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201312:57 ответить ссылка 0.0
you scared r*t for a girt, I thlwte it'll bc better t o tatee care of
' Ehh... N go back to the place you belong... y
¡Forget it,
I don't know what's wrong with the ritual, but I’m sure I can do ^^^it right this timel!^^^
¡Veronica get out of here!
^ ¡RUN!!! ^
rbamn it Veronica,
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201312:57 ответить ссылка 0.0
на русском слабо? или ты совсем унтерменьш?
pekabog pekabog 24.06.201313:22 ответить ссылка 0.5
Кто понимает тот прочтет, да и не думаю что долго на реакторе без перевода пролежит.
RFS-81 RFS-81 24.06.201313:26 ответить ссылка -0.3
Скролил комикс, заметил что в первом стрипе у парня вместо лица анус.Провел расследование и понял что нихуя не понял.
Mr.xep Mr.xep 24.06.201313:47 ответить ссылка 0.1
Если коротко - то телка дала ему в щи за то, что он посередь ее ипической истории разгадывал сканворд
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JaGo Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы продолжение под катом песочница

Hi, what is a good looking man like you doing alone? Come to me, get closer... Hey. whot arc you doing _ with that knife womon. no. no... N_ Oh, r.really. Of course1 Oh, please1 An 'unknown extremely gorgeous' woman tries to seduce a poor miserable lame without any grace guy and he doesn't ^s