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церковь развод ремонт вертолет удалённое 
вы бы пожертвовали?Наверно разводы разные бывают...
отсюда - http://smokingsection.uproxx.com/TSS/2013/06/new-light-church-50000-helicopter-blades
Пастор Церкви нового света (New Light Church) Айра Хиллиард пообещал, что Бог подарит каждому прихожанину, который пожертвует $52 на ремонт церковного вертолета, новую машину, и случится это через 52 дня или 52 недели после перечисления денежных средств.
This is a brief letter but if you have a
Пастор Церкви нового света (New Light Church) Айра Хиллиард пообещал, что Бог подарит каждому прихожанину, который пожертвует $52 на ремонт церковного вертолета, новую машину, и случится это через 52 дня или 52 недели после перечисления денежных средств. This is a brief letter but if you have a present transportation need or dream....you must read it now!! Dear Friend in Jesus, Do you need better transportation? Does your car need repair or total replacement? Do you have a dream vehicle or luxury automobile you long to purchase? Are you trying to sale a car, truck or SUV? If you answered “yes” to any of these please carefully read the rest of this letter! It could change your life... It is one of the most powerful game changing principles in the Scripture and I’ll be teaching on it real, real soon. I have used this Scriptural principle for specific favor over and over to see desired pursuits shift in my favor. It’s about sowing into a particular Kingdom situation to impact a similar need in your personal life. We have an urgent transportation need that the Lord said can be an opportunity for you to see His favor and His wisdom released to help you. Scripture teaches when you give to a Kingdom need God will raise up someone to use their power, their ability and their influence to help you. Read ....2Cor.9:7-8..... Mark 10:27-30 Our Aviation Department has an opportunity that will save the ministry well over $50K if we will move on it right away. My Aviation Manager stated that while repairing our helicopter they discovered that if we upgrade our blades today, it will save thousands in the days to come. As I pondered and looked at the situation, I heard that still small voice of the Holy Spirit say tell your special partners who have special transportation needs and their obedience will release favor for their needs and desires. I got excited and set down to write you! CLICK HERE TO SOW YOUR FAVOR SEED I believe with all my heart this message is for you and your doing something today is the key to releasing this favor on your transportation situation! Send me the transportation need or dream you have by completing the online petition when you sow a $52.00 transportation favor seed believing in 52 days or 52 weeks you will experience breakthrough favor! I’m looking for your name on my Special Friends list so I can agree with you in prayer. Alright, I’ve done my part to appeal to you and The Lord is waiting for you to do your part through your obedience to respond by sending your best seed today!! Click the Favor Seed button now to make your faith response!! Excited about your transportation favor... 2Chron.20:20 I. V. Hilliard P.S. Tell everyone you know about next week’s Freedom Rally on the daily MaxLife Show... it will be radical, relevant and real!!! It’s a two hour show on Tuesday through Thursday at 11:00am and 7:00pm. Join us at MaxLafeTV.org ... It’s a prelude to Spiritual Encounter 2013!!!
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А потом: "Ты просто не достаточно веровал, сын мой"
BlOr BlOr 28.06.201300:26 ответить ссылка 0.8
Джаст фо лулз - не вопрос. 52 бакса - было б о чем говорить. Куда переводить-то, ссылки не нашел?
Norly Norly 28.06.201300:29 ответить ссылка -0.3
Ну а хули, 52 недели - это год. ничего сложного, взять и накопить на машину за год.

Правда хуй накопишь, если всяким пиздунам по 52$ каждый раз давать.
Попу -- ни копейки.
courier courier 28.06.201301:15 ответить ссылка 0.0
courier courier 28.06.201301:22 ответить ссылка 0.0
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