The Tale of Dirty Renamon,Entertainment,,Music listed here: / Хейтдом (Hatedom) :: Digimon hate :: разное

#Хейтдом Digimon hate 

The Tale of Dirty Renamon,Entertainment,,Music listed here: High quality, downloadable version at the WeGame account: I've gotten many angry PMs about my "mis-use" of Renamon. To an unhealthy number of people, (1 being too many as is) this character is, a role model, a thing of beauty and innocence, a porn star, you get the picture. These PMs have contained sob stories to death wishes and yet so many people seem to think I attack Renamon because I hate furries in general. I'll admit the ones that broadcast their personal lives and fetishes publicly are making me vomit, but this is one character I'm fed up with seeing and I say again ... poking fun at this one character isn't a slam on the entire fanbase Anyway, this video was spurred by a particular private message I got a few hours after GIB: Episode 8's release: Hello there DasBoSchitt. I just wanted to inform you that I watch all of your videos, and I love all of them; while some are less funny and humorous than others, they all seem to play out well and fair on my end. While I cannot deny that I am a loyal subscriber to your channel and your "Garry's Mod Idiot Box" series is a brilliant video collection, I have some problems with your work. Now that I've gotten past all the sucking up and admittance of my love for your videos, it's time I presented this "problem" to you. The whole situation about you not hating furries, yet hating Renamon, is a paradox; by stating your hatred for Renamon in the "Tagged" video, you have also state a vulgar abhorrence for furries as well. Me and a collection of furry enthusiasts have agreed that it would be in our best interests if we asked you to cease and desist the use of Renamon in your videos, unless it is in a positive demeanor. While I cannot deny that Renamon IS a child's film star, we all love and respect her as if she were a real, living and breathing person. Back when I presented this issue to my group, they were all completely unaware that you had ever posted anything harmful to the name of Renamon, and did not believe me at first; so I provided them the video as evidence; they were amazed at the result. As further support, we've contacted other furry support groups (Specifically Renamon based) and asked them for their advice and they fell in line with me, and my organization's thoughts and concerns. Anyway, the point is, a lot of people don't want you downsizing the name of Renamon. If you would be so kind as to stop posting videos with bad things concerning Renamon, we would be greatly appreciative. A list of the things we do not want Renamon involved in: Sexual Activities Unnecessary Violence Sexual Innuendos Drugs Vulgar Language Graffiti Disobeying the Law Thank you for your time, Sectus and the Renamon Support Forum This may have been one of the nicer PMs on the subject, but it doesn't make it any less an irritating topic. So what did I do? Be a tasteless douchebag and make Renamon do everything on that "do not" list! Because Renamon is seen as this "pure and respected" soul amongst these people, making her a drunken, monsterous criminal is just plain hilarious. The moral of the story is, "It's parody and I won't be told what not to do unless the law is involved." Plus, come on ... doesn't a guy get to be a dick every once in a while?
Хейтдом,Hatedom,разное,Digimon hate
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Мне нужно выпить.
Phtoros Phtoros 11.07.201311:30 ответить ссылка 0.0
О, старина Дасбощит. Плююс.
DEMON308 DEMON308 11.07.201321:01 ответить ссылка 0.0
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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Прибью лопатой, извращенцы!!!!!!!!!!!

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тут встретиться!
Не подходи больше к моему шкафчику
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Нет, я должен найти свою девушку.
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Любишь смотреть как потрошат и режут на куски лоли но ссышь прогнать бухое школиё из своего подъезда.