http://img. / Lovecraft Bestiary :: бестиарий :: высокое разрешение по ссылке :: Лавкрафт

Лавкрафт бестиарий высокое разрешение по ссылке песочница Lovecraft Bestiary 
Creaturekof the Cthulhu Mythos Our World
Source of Uncteanness
Lord of Sleep
the All-in-One
the Black Goat of the woods
the Demon Sultan
Lord of the Great Abyss
irte Unbegotten Source
ovccra Creaturekof the Cthulhu Mythos Our World ABHOTH Source of Uncteanness HYPNOS Lord of Sleep YOG-SOTHOTH the All-in-One SHUB-NIGGURATH the Black Goat of the woods AZATHOTH the Demon Sultan NODENS Lord of the Great Abyss UBBO-SATHLA irte Unbegotten Source CHAUGNAR FAUGN Horror from the Hills Y'GOLONAC Inhabitant of the Rums TULZSCHA the Green Flame NYARLATHOTEP the Crawling Chaos HASTUR the Unspeakable ATLACH -NACHA the Spider God BOKRUG Great Water- Li/ard RHAN-TEGOTH Terror of the Hominids TSATHOGGHUA the Sleeper of N'kai YIG Father of the Serpents SHUDDE M'ELL the Borrower Beneath GHATANOTHOA Lord of the Volcano DAGON Ruler of the Deep Ones ITHAQUA the v/md-walker ZHAR the Twin Obscenity CTHUGHA the Living Flame CTHULHU Master of R tyeh SHANTAK Star-Mount Grea! Old Ones GHAST Unwholesome Scabrous Beast SERPENT PEOPLE Full Atavism SAND-DWELLER Stalker of the Wastes MI-GO the Fungi from Yuggoth DEEP ONE Gilled Humanoid MOON-8EAST the Torture Lover TCHO-TCHOS servitors of the Old Ones CHTHONIAN Tentacled Burrower HUNTING HORROR the Great Flyer DIMENSIONAL SHAM8LER the Mourderousiy Malign FORMLESS SPAWN of Tsathoggua STAR VAMPIRE invisible Ravener COLOUR OUT OF SPACE Life-Force Feeder GHOUL Mocking Charnel Feeder STAR-SPAWN OF CTHULHU Satrap of the Sleeper DHOLE Burrov/ing Horror NIGHTGAUNT the Faceless FIRE VAMPIRE the Flame Feeder LENG SPIDER Immense Web-Spinner FLYING POLYP Terror from the Blackness Belovt BYAKHEE Star-Steed DARK YOUNG of Shub- Nigguraih GUG Unclean Giant HOUND OF TINDALOS Scavenger of Time ELDER THING City-Boulder Eons Old RAT-THING Malevolent Mocker SHOGGOTH Fetid Iridescences GREAT RACE OF YITH Menial Time-Travellers SERVITORS OF THE OUTER GODS Minions of the Chaos Greater Servitor Races GNOPH-KEH Legend of the Ice Greater_indcP5í¿!^ 1.8 billion years a£o 1,1 billion years a£o 750 million years a$o 470 million years a$o 280 million years a£o 170 million years a£o 50 million years a£o Nowadays Signs (in order of Appearance): Elder Thing. Shoggoth, Cthulhu and his Star-Spawns, Flying Polyp, Great Race of Yith. Serpent People. Mi-go. Tsathogghua and his Formless Spawns, Chaugnar Faugn. Ithaqua. Ghatanothoa. Rhan-Tegoth. Zhar. Tcho-Tchos. Dagon. Occp One. Chthonian The map shows the principal areas of occurrence of Old Ones and Races in the world. It’s not uncommon that certain species for instance Deep Ones and Chthonians are found throughout the globe. SOURCÍS S Pot«!«n. I Will* Ci» ol CMuliiu Horror Ro*pl.»y»'9 in the World o! H P lovei/jfct Chtottun irtc 1999 Novels oí Howard Philips Lovccrals www. <p9«otyj!cr»i com battles
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Лавкрафт Lovecraft art Lovecraft Bestiary

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— S. PETERSEN’S FIELD GUIDE TO A Field Observers Handbook OfPreternatural Entities and Beingsfrom Beyond The Wall of Sleep Written by Sandy Petersen, Lynn Willis, and Mike Mason Illustrated by Loic Muzy, Mariusz Gandzel Sc Claire Delepee % • • ^. wc