Сука, почему я не поехал на этот ебучий Отакон, а не на Comic-Con? / личное

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Сука, почему я не поехал на этот ебучий Отакон, а не на Comic-Con?!

Stan Lee vs Giant Mech Robot: Comic Con 2013 - Wired - Geek Week,Entertainment,,Comic book legend Stan Lee gets an up close and personal meeting with the giant mech robot from San Diego Comic Con 2013. It took the mighty minds and resources of WIRED, YouTube, Stan Winston School, Legacy Effects, and Conde Nast Entertainment to create an insanely detailed, one-of-a-kind, 9 foot 9 inch Mech with four arms to usher in the 2013 San Diego Comic Con. It is ready to blow your mind. And coming soon to YouTube's Geek Week ... a huge mini-series showing how this colossus was built. Subscribe to the all new Wired channel here: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCftwRNsjfRo08xYE31tkiyw?sub_confirmation=1 Visit the Wired channel for more video: http://www.youtube.com/wired Stan Lee vs Giant Robot: Comic Con 2013 - Wired - Geek Week Connect with Wired Online: Visit Wired.com: http://www.wired.com Follow Wired on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wired Follow Wired on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+WIRED/posts Follow Wired on Twitter: https://twitter.com/wired Follow Wired on Instagram: http://instagram.com/wired Follow Wired on Tumblr: http://wired.tumblr.com
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Благодаря компаниям, стоящим на страже интеллектуальной собственности, проект Notabenoid.Com закрыт Ни сил. ни желания воевать с ними у меня больше нет Хостер заблокирует наши сервера сегодня вечером. Завтра. 28 октября владельцы переводов смогут выкачать свои работы. Спустя некоторое время Нотабен
Stan Lee vs Giant Mech Robot: Comic Con 2013 - Wired - Geek Week,Entertainment,,Comic book legend Stan Lee gets an up close and personal meeting with the giant mech robot from San Diego Comic Con 2013.  It took the mighty minds and resources of WIRED, YouTube, Stan Winston School, Legacy Effects,

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Stan Lee vs Giant Mech Robot: Comic Con 2013 - Wired - Geek Week,Entertainment,,Comic book legend Stan Lee gets an up close and personal meeting with the giant mech robot from San Diego Comic Con 2013. It took the mighty minds and resources of WIRED, YouTube, Stan Winston School, Legacy Effects,