Mecadro ECAL/Sylvain Meltz,,Tutors: Alain Bellet, Gael Hugo, Christophe Guignard ECAL / University / залипалка рисовалка

залипалка рисовалка песочница 

Mecadro ECAL/Sylvain Meltz,,Tutors: Alain Bellet, Gael Hugo, Christophe Guignard ECAL / University of Art and Design, Lausanne Switzerland Bachelor Media & Interaction Design Music : "Filaments" by Podington Bear ( + Mecadro is a construction game available on computer and online (, that allows you to create a “machine“ based on simple mathematical and geometric principles (translations, rotations, trigonometry…) to product complex drawings. The game introduces the user to programming through a graphic interface : he has to experiment, think in a certain way, observe and contemplate a more or less expected result.During my 4 years at ECAL, the hidden beauty of mathematics and geometry has been one of the most interesting discoveries : with a simple formula, a point can become a moving, independent and complex object. Programming took a significant part in my studies and introduced me to a certain reasoning and creative “behaviour” : to experiment, to research, to alter…
залипалка рисовалка,песочница
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Windows media player
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Jg tfk^i	CÍ
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Windows media player детство залипалка

Windows media player H< ^ Ж H Jg tfk^i CÍ 10-летний я