Вывод - пиздить свечки!
господин Раскольников, залогинтесь
темнее и вытянутее по вертикали
интрига, чувак!
хватит хвастаться своим рабом
Брутально! Бородато!
у меня для тебя плохие новости...
с комментариев с хвидеос:

"girl in white top and brunnet hair "OLGA DIDKIVSKA" lives in kiev, from ZHYTOMIR, UKRAINE, and an artist by profession, she is a really nice artist though, please by some painting from her so she doesn't have to do part time escorting and prostituation, help her. But don't love her, just help her only, otherwise you might never forget that nightmare for falling a psychopath like her."