Почему-то нет.
Здесь если кому Челябинск и Златоуст.
370 Route so.
high right hank of the Byelaya, near its confluence with the Ufa. Pop. 103,000. In the middle of the town is a large square with the (Justin i Dvor and the Provincial Museum (on the S. side; open Sun. & holidays, 12-3). Farther to the S. is the Cathedral, standing in
Она на двух страницах.
368 Houle 49.
tween the Samara and the Ural. The government of Samara contain extensive stretches of the so-called Black Earth (p. xxxvii). T whole country between the Volga and the Ural is occupied, beside: the Russians, by Bashkirs, Teptiars, Tartars, Meshtcheryaks, Tche remisses,
Railway Map of
Scale l:23,OOOjOOO
«jo Engl. Miles oo Ш1рт. BooVëx'Sts____
ív Sea/ cf AzçAr
Ъ atropé bTrebiv.o\(l
SfiXoiigJl.of Greerrw.l-0_
pixaxpts-ex^ ¿g	АУ^Ятхвтдэдг^^яипв^,
Карту и один разворот я скинул, даю еще один.
380 Route 64.
(PL D, E, 2-4) to the S.E. On the right is the Museum of Art and. Archaeology (Музей древностей и искуествъ; PI. Е, 4), a building with a hexastyle. portico, built by GorodétzM in 1900. It is open daily, 10-3 (adm. 30 cop.; catalogue 15 cop.), but is closed from June
Есть только Александровск, внизу справа.
334 Route 42.
interesting objects in the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity (Tpon-mcift coSopt), which was rebuilt in 1586, arc mural paintings by G. Nikitin and others (1685; comp. p. 331); to the right of the ikonostas is the throne of the Tzar Mikhail Feodorovitch, with a carved-wood
Хорошо, может, сделаю отдельным постом, там слишком много материала, впрочем, как и про Москву.
А мне он нравится, миленький город.
Он в скане с Иркутском, сверху.