Только текст.
248 Route, 32.
Frovi Warsaw
Route	Page
43.	From Moscow to Nizhni-Novgorod.....................336
Suzdal. From Novki. to Kineshma 338.
44.	Nizhni-Xovgorod.................................339
45.	Voyage down the Volga from Tver to Xizhni-Xovgo-
rod, Kazan, and
Только небольшое описание.
Volga Voyage.	SYITAZH8K.	*6. Route. 351
while the Tartars and Bashkirs have preserved to some extent also their national costumes and religion.
Railway from Nizhni-Novgornd to Moscow, see R. 43. — Fares on the Steamers, see p. 340.
To the right we see several hamlets. The river
Увы, без карт.
526 Route 77.
From Mosco
From Moscow to (2056 V. nr 1368 M.l Tchelydhirmk via Till Ryazhslc, Samdra, and Kindi, see EE. 48 a and 50.
The Trans-Siberian Railway runs ,to the E. from Tchelyabiu (p. 370) through the province of Orenburg, which is part of Euro pean Eussia. — 83 V. (from
Там текста страниц 30, все-таки столица.
В Питере, магазин Сова на Марата за 1 500 р.
Рекомендую этот магазинчик, милые хозяева, душевная атмосфера, легко идут навстречу по цене.
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