u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры 


Wh-what's this?
Anna made a batch last night because we had a lot oP surplus Pood stock we needed to get rid oP.
.and delicious!
Oh yeah, you grew up on a Prontier Parm here, didn't you?
I guess you've probably never seen ice cream bePore.,u/Aelanna,RimWorld,Игры

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры 

A Light in the Dark

Foxy, bock away.,u/Aelanna,RimWorld,Игры

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры 

Sanctuary, Chapter Two, Part 6

Anna is our leader.
She and the other officers came to this world many, many years ago.
Most of us have never seen what life beyond the rimworlds is like, or even been in space at all.
but they took us in anyways. Gave us honest work to do, and a good place to live.
A lot of us wouldn't be

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры 


Foxy? Beth? What are you two up to today?
Well, since we haven't had any raids in a while, I figured we should keep our skills sharp with some skeet shooting.
That seems... unusually harmless £or you two.,u/Aelanna,RimWorld,Игры

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры 


...and that's why we don't have any gourmands around here any more.
That’s not true at all!,u/Aelanna,RimWorld,Игры

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры 


Maintain Pire!
Team two, shiPt right and keep 'em pinned down they have to be running out oP ammo!

Hey, Anna!
What's up?
You've been out here Por a while, so I thought you could use a drink!

Well, thanks!
Keep up the good work!
Wh-what exactly oust happened...?,u/Aelanna,RimWorld,Игры

u/Aelanna Игры RimWorld 

Sanctuary, Chapter Two, Part 5

I've never heard of a colony like this...
I'm not surprised,
We mostly keep to ourselves here.
Angel's Rest is completely self-sufficient.
We grow our own Pood.
manufacture our own medicine and supplies,
and fabricate all of the equipment and gear we need.,u/Aelanna,Игры,RimWorld

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры 

Security breach!!!


u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры 


Can I get you something to eat?
What about a nice new set oQ clothes?
have a lot oQ unused stu££ oust lying around!
I don't exactly have a lot oQ Criends to hang around with here...
I mean...
I used to have a lot oQ friends.
but I guess... they're all dead now.
Fabio was the last person to

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры 

Guilty Pleasures

> —\ No, I just...
...I thought I heard...
Yeah, everything is fine here!
Can I help you with anything?
.never mind.,u/Aelanna,RimWorld,Игры