u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры 

Halloween Fun, Part 3

and so she ran. like she never ran before.
' Miraculously, she \ made it all the way back to the base and slammed the door . \ behind her... /,u/Aelanna,RimWorld,Игры

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры 

Halloween Fun, Part 1

Hey, Rissa!
Let's celebrate Halloween!
We can go get everyone in on it!

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры 


Alright, this is it!
Looks like the tip was good, they have a blind spot in this sector.

They can't hit us with mortars from this angle so on the count of three, we re gonna pop smoke
and -
Is that you?
Yeah, well we got here first, so you can take your pick after we re done.

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры 

Movie Night


u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры 

Sanctuary, Chapter Two, Part 10 (Final)

But she also needs to prove that she can be strong, and that she can take care oG herselC.
I think that you oQ all people should understand.
That's exactly why I can’t do this.
Even iQ we had the entire staP£ here... even i£ we had all oQ our equipment, the time, and our actual trainers...

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры 

Can you believe this meme is a year old now?


u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры 

Sanctuary, Chapter Two, Part 9

Personally, I thought she was rather enthusiastic about the idea.
Besides, didn't you say that you could use some more help in your department?
Yes, I did.
However, even though we don't always get what we need most, that doesn't mean that we should ignore the needs of others.
She needs

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры 

Sanctuary, Chapter Two, Part 8

If you do not have anywhere else you can go.
then you are welcome to stay with us for as long as you want.

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры 


What on earth is this?!
It's a vespa!
Isn’t she adorable?
I named her Beauty!
Obviously, but what is it doing here?!
I found her after that last raid! She was pretty badly banged up, but I managed to fix her!
I slipped in one of Aurora's spare secondary cores after I separated her

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры 

Sanctuary, Chapter Two, Part 7

Please allow me to formally welcome you to our settlement.
My name is Anna Cessara,
i to see have made
You were very badly hurt when we Pound you.
were dus Por days.
How did you Pind me?
I'm glad to see that you have made a Pull recovery.
You were very badly hurt when we Pound you.
and you