This is not just an anus, this is straight up diamond mine.
Well, yee-claw to you fellow crustacean.
cowboy advice
1.	berootin
2.	be tootin
3.	and by god
but most of all

Well, we've yet to realize how things are working now¯\_(ツ)_/¯. For example none of my posts from other account double here. Also one of your posts seems to be replicated incorrectly, since on .cc I can see your comments among others', but can't reply, but while on .com there seems to be only your comment. I guess mods still have to fix plenty of erros after the merge.

Also thanks for all the content and keep on going, there are many people on .cc who's happy to see in their feed.

And yes, built-in Chrome translator sometimes can be a pain in the back.

I'm seeing this on .cc version as well. Seems posts appear on both sites on a random basis. Also I see your comment from .com on .cc version, yet I can't reply there. Reactor works in mysterious ways
No, now he speaks everything but russian and english on purpose. Alcortje does better.
не кулаком андрощ дтчат
не фистингуй девочек-андроидов
I hope I got that right # alcortje 03.Feb.202204:40 link _t_
Не, скорее как с теми шесть страницами комментариев. Он и на испанском писал, и на арабском, скорее всего не нравится, что тут пишут на русском и латиницей, вот и намекает как может.