RimWorld Игры S.M.Y.K art C.M.Y.K
Rimworld doodle 3
Ochs came forward to deal with the bodies that came after the insect colony's raid a few days ago and thanked her because we were exhausted from injury and exhaustion
But I thought it meant processing or incinerating it with chemical fuel... I didn't know who would think of making it a meal like that psychopath..
Rimworld doodle 4
As the Christmas feast draws to a close, Eileen is enjoying the lingering effects as she eats Uncle Jake's special Ambrosia skewers,
If you look at the amount in her hand, it's no wonder she developed an Ambrosia addiction the next day
RimWorld Игры C.M.Y.K арт
Rimworld doodle
Uncle Jake's daughter, Sally, was receiving training at the barn when she walked around holding a duckling for a while because it was so cute. So, since he seemed to really like duck, I made him a sumptuous meal with duck meat, but he hasn't come out of his room for several hours.
RimWorld doodle 2
It's break time, Imped and a human are drinking beer and talking all night long in a restaurant without realizing the passage of time. The two of them had been spending a lot of time together after a social argument not long ago. They felt a sense of relief for each other or something.
Я бы отдал ребёнку А, если бы ребёнок А невёл себя как конченый хуй.