Напомнил "Happy Tree Friends"
Didn't you know the storm was coming?
A Journey Without the End
Your flesh is soft. Your Spirit weak.
Skeletor? and Sven,He-Man sound when Sven uses Ultimate Ability in Dota Imba Reborn.
Это комбинация Shadow Fiend+Lich+Broodmother. What is seen, cannot be unseen
у неё чё, 4 груди да ешё и с щипами?
Tranduil bolshe smaxivaet na Invokera.... Invoker na kone :D
smotrya na ego talii, vidno chto action uje nachalsya :D
Ember SLeigh of fist :D budet prigat beskonechno.
Oy da ladno :D Techies budet ubivat etogo tvoego saporta Suicidom. i daje esli tvoy saport budet pokupat wardi i dasti, u nego deneg ne budet na svoi itemi kak Arkane boots, Mekansm i prochee. I eto oznachaet, -1 igrok v teamfightax. A v MMR, kogda moy teammate vibiraet Techies, ya srazu saporcchu ego s KOTL-om. EZ katka EZ life. EZ space created. i pover, ya za KOTL-a ochen xorosho igrayu :D
The new Action Film from Director of Shrek and Batman; Tim Burton film, Space Cow: Begins. Coming soon on your DOTKA 2 on September 1st.