right, but by not acting they are not holding up an international law.
i agree on the UN part. however we have evidence that chemical weapons where used so (and i know two wrongs don't make a right) technically by striking the US is upholding the law and the rest of the world would be breaking it (kinda sorta).
welcome. i like potatoes. im Bar56
Obama can do it with or with out congresses approval. though its highly unlikely that if they say no he will do it anyways. i don't not support a strike but i don't know if its the best idea. I'm tired of the thought that we (Americans) have that we should be the "policemen" of the world. I will say that in my opinion within the next 20 years there will be another war in the middle east
the 7th?!? that's like next year. the consoles are getting them next week?
(as an american) i don't think 9/11 was the worst thing to happen to humanity. however neither is Hiroshima and Nagasaki (not that they where good). at least all those that died in the immediate blast in the two instances died in a humane manner. i can think of very recent happenings *cough* Syria *cough* that could be considered worse.
or maybe they replaced the one on the left and a few people used it.
as a child i did not understand Fred and Daphne's relationship. however age has taught me a lot. i miss innocence :(