we are, but Germany at the time had no oil. the TANKS were the basis of their doctrine (known as blitzkrieg).
they had oil...
plot twist.... dun dun dun!!!
how is this anime?
im sure its actually a chick. baby chicks come in all different colors and there is a distinct difference in beak shape and size.
my best guess is either the Rocky mountains or the alps
this is fake you can tell...
i agree never go full 'murican. only here football is not "football"(or soccer as Americans like to call it). think of it this way: in England biscuits are cookies and here cookies are not biscuits. names for things are indicative of the area of which they are named; therefor if you call football soccer in Europe then you are wrong, and if you call soccer football in america you are wrong. so since we are all (usually) in our home countries what ever you call it over the internet is correct.
you broke it already? how!!
thank you for that little anecdote