А разве не злобные фашисты из Украины?
Похоже, что просто арт, т.к. у автора ссылок не было.
А может там немного другая Корея.
New Mobile Report Gundam Wing, Чобиты, Нет игры - нет жизни: ноль
Небольшая пояснялка от автора: "And this is why you should never allow me to give my in game characters personalities.
Kind of a spoiler if you haven't played the game but the only plausible way to defeat the final boss without loosing at least 2 of your party members is to pack up 3 plague doctors and a leper into the final dungeons boss. I've grown attached to my main runs squad to the point I've given them personalities and stories to boot and for some reason my first Plague Doctor (whose name is Fortuna) doesn't quite get along with the other two (Iridia on the left and Hecate on the right) and well then there is Julius who is just there to suffer the arguments of the other 3. "
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номер на манги на нхентае.