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OMEn stands for Office of Magical Enforcement, which is essentially just the magical equivalent of the FBI. They have Aurors who investigate cases, and sometimes these cases get dangerous.
Abraham is the head of OMEn. Azrael is an ex-auror, who was Leo's first partner. He went rogue and disappeared years ago though, leaving Leo in a tough spot where people died. It turns out, he'd been hiding in Russia with a sect of Russian wizards who had similar goals. He's not "evil" in the traditional sense. But he is bad in that he's willing to kill for his beliefs.
The massacre was implied to be the safe house guarding the Fire of Olympus. The Fire is a source of great power, and has been kept safe and secret for hundreds of years. Or so they thought. Azrael eventually tracked it down, which brought the attention of OMEn scouts investigating the extremely unusual activity.

Оригинальное название департамента магического правопорядка - The Department of Magical Law Enforcement - изменено, поэтому и не нашел совпадений.