I know for a fact that's the most disgusting fucking thing I'll see today. What the fuck, man? I'd rather watch 2 girls 1 cup again.
Jokes on you, I'm into that shit.
She has a better mustache than my cousin Billy. Also, that's weird-ass vagina.
No worries. He's holding it in place with his hand.
Their McMuff burgers are good, but it depends on the person serving it.
"wast" lol
I'm a Georgian caucasian, but alas, I don't live in Caucasian Georgia. I'm American, but don't hold that against me. I love hamburgers (who doesn't?) but I don't own a gun and I didn't vote for Trump.
This was taken right before the second bullet.
Georgia or Georgia? It's probably Georgia. I live in Georgia.
goobl plez