courting with otto

octopuses can become quite protective of their owners
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sunday drive with otto

Otto and Victoria have had a very busy week so they have decided to motor to countryside for the weekend for a little rest and relaxation!
sewing with otto

otto is working late into the night getting victoria's costume ready for halloween! (it's his favorite holiday) what are you all going to be this year?
lacing up

colour plate 52. in which the lady finds she no longer be burdened by the process of corset application.
housebreaking otto

When housebreaking your pet it is important to deal with their mistakes sternly so as to correct them but remember, accidents happen and training your domesticated cephalopod should be a positive experience for both you and your pet.
otto's first christmas
Om nom nom!
о божемой, она убила Санта-Клауса
вин дизель. ранние годы