Messages DdCl Edit Omg, David. I can't wait to have your hard cock pulsating inside of me to / Прикольные картинки

Messages	DdCl


Omg, David. I can't wait to have your hard cock pulsating inside of me tonight! I'm SO horny!

I expect a new car in the driveway tomorrow morning, a macbook air, and let Garrett stay the night in my room.

Wait, what? "

This is your 16 year old daughter, Dumbass. I
Messages DdCl Edit Omg, David. I can't wait to have your hard cock pulsating inside of me tonight! I'm SO horny! I expect a new car in the driveway tomorrow morning, a macbook air, and let Garrett stay the night in my room. Wait, what? " This is your 16 year old daughter, Dumbass. I want my list of demands met by monday or I'm telling mom — fl love you daddy! Mwah! C.fuck..... © kw.^
Hey hun, what does this mean??? (.)(.)

(o.O in what context^

Im in love with your (.)(.)



Eheheh; Eyes mom. Dad loves your eyes.

Awe thats cute. Thank you =D

'Be sure to tell him you enjoy N his8===D Smile

( ^

kolyuchy kolyuchy 02.07.201117:23 ответить ссылка 0.0
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Casey Casey 02.07.201117:26 ответить ссылка 0.0
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